The hulls are falling off the trees and soon there will be leaves. Weather has not been kind enough to take a good photo of my new wheels. I had to clean it up and it was warm enough to add the chrome bumper protector on that I had got for it.
Tuesday morning was tight. I had the first of a 3 week dog class from 9:30 to 10:30 and I requested to go first since I needed to be downtown by 11.
Tuesday morning was tight. I had the first of a 3 week dog class from 9:30 to 10:30 and I requested to go first since I needed to be downtown by 11.
Rep Stephanie Kifowit (former marine herself) met and recognized these amazing Female Veterans from all around
Illinois! I am humbled to also recognize Gold Star Mother Olivia Segura
and remember the ultimate sacrifice her daughter Army Specialist Ashley
Sietsema who died Nov 12, 2007 in Kuwait. @ State of Illinois House of
video here:
https://www.facebook.com/We gathered first in the office and introductions were made. AmVets ladies were well represented.
Here are the group photos inside the capitol:

Here's the certificate we are all holding (I guess I left the cover down in this photo)
After the recognition she treated us to lunch at Boone's Saloon.
I had a 6PM appointment for my taxes in town and a 6:30 appointment at church to practice our Sunday Passion ensemble. There's no rescheduling for the taxes this late in the season so I went early and I was done early too. I didn't miss the practice but then they were slow getting things together and talking.
I have trouble the hair. Pondering this, I wore pin curls there. The regency look has wisps instead of bangs. This is a problem for my widow's peak forehead. I found a china doll that had been passed over for weeks at the Goodwill that had just the right hair. I tore of the wig and cut it in half and sewed it into the turban along with a hair clip to keep it from sliding. The side curls are my own.
Those cheap gloves really were hot and smelled vinyl-like. When I pulled my hand out, my sweaty hand tried to pull out the lining. These gloves are no longer in my wardrobe.
Loved these impressions as well. Dave also portrays Jeff Davis.
Whittingtons always sharp as well.
A photo of the regency ball was in the St Louis Post Dispatch and shown at the Civil War ball the following evening.
The second night, Saturday, was a Civil War ball. Those that stayed overnight toured some sites like the Old Courthouse and the arch. I didn't do these because I've been there and there's dogs to love at home. It rained on the way down but was dry on the way back. This temperature change caused my glasses to fog up inside the MaryAnn's Tea Room for the banquet. It used to be a florist so the ceiling was glass and a few drops of condensation dripped. Parking was easier at the Mahler Ballroom so I just walked to the banquet and back the the dance hall.
So this is the dress I had altered to fit. Most ball gowns hook or lace in the back but this is in the front and nice for someone like me that dresses by herself. No those aren't real ladies behind me but funny figures. Here is the group looking for a place to sit.
You have to walk thru this boutique to get to the dining room in the back.
Here is the dance set for the Civil War Ball.
Here's a selfie I took in the gallery. This dress is more elliptical and I wear a bum roll. I took numerous poses and some looked better without my glasses and looking up seemed to show my neck's age.
On the way home, it wasn't raining so I decided to use my cruise control. I learned something. As I approached another car ahead, I slowed down. The computer's calculator measured distance and speed of the car ahead and adjusted the speed. When I changed lanes, the car went back to the set cruise. Wow! Now if I could only figure out some other settings like the built in map that thinks home is in Ohio and won't delete.
Sunday I took Communion to Sharon. She like the snuggle sheet I gave her last week that helps mobility getting up and down. I'm glad she liked it and helped. Then I went to practice our Passion program. I tried to do it from memory and screwed up a line. 2 more practices to go.
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