Monday, March 18, 2019

My Week

March:  Ok, I'll give you 60 degrees but at 150 MPH.  That's what happened on Thursday.

  This neck pain is really bothering me.  I tried neck rotations but that hurt.  Heat pad and Salonpas, hot shower, herbal tea, Advil and last but not least, I found an opening for an afternoon neck massage.  Still tight and makes driving difficult looking over the shoulder.
I went to the VFW meeting Monday night.  We will have elections at the next meeting so the line up for the ballot was outlaid and nominated.  My 3 year term as a trustee is about to end.
My custom WW1 nurse outfit arrived from Romania.
Here it is as advertised:
and here on me taken in the trench exhibit at the Illinois Military Museum.

Tuesday morning I went back to exercise at Powerworks but my neck was still tight.  I tried to take it easy but thankfully Tuesday's are more focused on lower body and core.  Then cycling again with my lighted shoes.

I had lunch with the Women's Overseas Service League.
Picked up some TVP. I was told about this at a meeting but when I got to Food Fantasies, I couldn't remember the initials so a man helped me based on the description. 

Well my old Singer sewing machine just stopped.  I dragged it and the table it was in to Sandy's Sewing Center.  On the way there, I thought about how clunky it was and decided I'd look at her new machines.  I came home with a Baby Lock Joy.  All the models had a cute little name.  I didn't want a computerized or embroidery machine but I did want one that does a button hole.  It came with a free case.  I knew I'd need a new sewing table so I stopped by Salvation Army and found this light weight table for like $15.  Sandy demonstrated it and then took a call while I threaded the machine with a sample fabric run through.  She said I should write down my questions and make and appointment for follow up.
I didn't really have time to try it out after I got home because of a Therapy Dog visit and meeting with the Catholic War Veterans.

Friday I helped at the Lincoln Tomb but I left at 1PM since I had a 2PM appointment for a fitting.

I'm thinking I could use the bum roll in back after looking at these pictures.  The skirt has a matching day bodice that will need altering as well.

Our Soldiers Aid Society was in the St Patrick's Day Parade.  The Temperance banner made it's debut since last year's was canceled because of weather.
Mary and I carried the temperance banner.  Peggy and Laura held our Soldiers Aid Society banner.  Robin is so tall that she'd create an imbalance if she carried an end of the banners so she follows.

You can see the 114th Illinois Regiment that we followed.
 Amber's classmate, Pixie, was also in the parade.

Sure I wore green to Mass on Sunday but a man wore a kilt.
Looks like I'll be part of the Passion Sunday skit ensemble.  We hadn't done it in a few years but sure breaks up a long reading of the Passion.  I told our choir director that I'd do it if he couldn't recruit new blood.  Well...he mentioned he needed me.  Hope I get the same roll as before so I don't have so much to memorize.

I took Amber to open rally practice.  She's getting better but I wish she would focus on me and not sniffy the whole place.  It's like she's reading the ground for every dog that set foot in the place.  Others seem to be able to do the course off leash but Amber isn't ready for that.  She can do it when she focuses on me.

I took Amber to class and learned that I need to get Amber a Purebred Alternative Listing (PAL) number. It's in the mail.
These are the photos I sent with her PAL application.

On a sadder note:  There was an attack in New Zealand by and my niece's boxer died.  After all these months, Amber had a flash back and pissed on my bed.

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