Monday, March 11, 2019

My Week

Tuesday morning I went to exercise in my fluorescent tie dye shirt and lighted shoes and beads since it was fat Tuesday and knew I'd be cycling in the black light room.  I had my fluorescent tie dye shirt and lighted shoes on.

A post shared by Brittany Bisch, CSCS (@brittanybisch_cscs) on
I shopped around for Sophie's eye drop prescription since the veterinarian referred my to Osco.  I didn't like the $105 bottle.  I thought I could mail in a prescription to but they replied that they don't carry it.  I checked with Walgreens and it was higher and Walmart was $98.  I got it at County Market Pharmacy for $23.  I'm elated.
Wednesday morning I was the second reader for Ash Wednesday Mass.
Pretty generous with the ashes. I seemed to get dust in my eyes so that didn't make it till 1PM.  Father gave us a wooden coin that says TUIT (for getting a round to it) for Lent.  Previous years we were given a stone to carry during Lent and a wooden cross.

Then in the evening I went to the Legion Riders meeting.  I take the minutes.
I ordered some interactive dog toys for that busy little Amber.

Two are really good but that purple one is too difficult for her to open drawers.

Friday afternoon I volunteered at the Old State Capitol in the afternoon.  In the evening I took Amber to open training at the Capitol Canine Club. 

Sunday morning was the first Sunday in Lent.  It was also daylight savings time change.  The Catholic War Veterans held a memorial Mass at my parish.  Pictured:
Don Werner Fr John Nolan Rose Connolly Pat Noel Dale Smith Leon Scott Joan Garvert and Denny KIRCHGESNER
Sunday evening I took Amber to practice and there were not very many there so I had some quality time. I feel so silly. I don't know the difference between an agility, rally, and obedience trial.  I don't understand the meaning of the station signs. Since there were few there, Sherry had time to show me a little better.  This could explain my past frustration.
I did not sleep well because of a stiff neck.  It seems to be getting worse.  I did yoga on Thursday and Saturday and the neck rotation was welcome.  A chiropractor is out of the question because of my past.  See previous blog.  Dr T made my spondy worse.

Here's the banner that will carried in the St Patrick's Day Parade.  I wonder if the drunks will understand what the temperance movement was about.  But then I always felt that reenacting was more about educating than dressing up. Appearance just catches the eye to the learning experience.

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