Monday, March 25, 2019

My Week

Mornings are frosty but that means a nice afternoon sun.  I was able to bury some purple asparagus roots.  It's rained a little so that's when the instructions say to finish the trench.

Monday I was on a TDI visit at Regency and came across a room where I knocked and the room seemed high class. The room was decorated like an apartment with photos and seemed to have more of a living room/bed room area.  I asked the man in bed if he was interested in a therapy dog and welcomed the visit. He seemed familiar with therapy dog program and kept thanking me. Usually patients talk about the dog. He said this more than once. On my way out, I looked at the pictures in the room and noticed that one was a certificate to a doctor. No wonder he had a nice room and understood the volunteerism. We have visited with a doctor also at Reflections but nothing fancy.

I picked up my silk Civil War era ball gown.  Here's a picture of the day bodice.
 This time I added the bum roll for a little more lift.  I may eventually want to belt the bum roll after I learn proper placement for lift.
 In the afternoon I had a massage appointment.  This was more like a follow up because I had a stiff neck. My masseur has colored hair like a peacock.  She noticed a difference in my neck mobility since my last visit.  I picked up one of those "My Pillows" at Bed Bath and Beyond.  It's not cheap but the coupon helped.

Wednesday I took the dogs to their new groomer at Cutright.  Then I went to get a brown bag lunch at Core Life and ordered their Korean BBQ.  Their idea of core was the core of the cabbage.

I know we've been shut in a lot this winter but I walk around the block with my dogs. Last week I saw an ambulance at Sharon's house. I waited a little while and then did a welfare check. I knew she had knee surgery around Halloween time. I learned she just had hip surgery and she told the ambulance took her to the emergency for complications.
She used to attend Mass and I mentioned what I knew with Sr Judy.  Looks like I will be expanding my Eucharistic Ministry to that for the home-bound.

Thursday evening I went to the Civil War Round table.  Dr. Tim Jacobs discussed Gen Logan. He came all the way from Quincy for the presentation.  His most interesting research regarded Logan's conversation from a pro-slavery, Democrat to republican and anti-slavery was probably the most interesting aspect.

Friday I volunteered at the Lincoln Tomb.  It was very busy and the season has begun. A boy from St Louis left a drawing memento at the tomb as a gift.

Saturday I was among those displaying Historical attire. Here is the program:

 Showing off my slipper
other photos on Facebook here:

Sunday: I was a reader at Mass.  After Mass, I took Communion to neighbor who was recovering from surgery and she used to sit in my same pew.  That visit went well for a first time for me.  Sure I've been a Eucharistic Minister at Mass a long time but first for a delivery.   Sharon really appreciated it and I also gave her a snoozle sheet that I had made.  The sliding action under the bum helps get one to roll over in bed.  Then I went my  VFW post has lunch for Vietnam veterans,

I had my picture taken with, the new Illinois Acting Director of Veterans Affairs, Linda Chapa LaVia.  I was impressed that she came to our event all the way from Aurora.  She shared some photos on her cell phone of her family and recent trip to Rome.  She had a close up of the pope so they had a great position.
I stayed for the speech and presentations but left when food line was open.  I went to the church had a Golden Frontier trip meeting/reunion.  I got a CD with photos from the trip to Greece.The couple that shared their photos on the CD used a play program that's incompatible with my Apple.  It played on my old Dell computer and brought me a few smiles.

Monday afternoon I went to observe some dog training classes and that always inspires me to play with my own dogs.  So I dropped off a fee and CGC pledge for Amber to test next month and then I took Amber and Sophie to the park.

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