Tuesday I went to the gym, then my last Lenten study group. Actually, I went to another group on Tuesday instead of Thursday because I have my tax appointment on Thursday and can't get out of that. She's totally booked.
In the evening I went to a meeting of our Soldiers Aid Society. Our guest speaker was on quilting.
Wednesday I went to exercise (maybe I'll skip this comment henceforth since it happens every morning) and then shopping the thrift stores. I didn't go too long because I went to a PGR flag line for an active duty soldier. His death was in his home at his own hands over troubles. So sad.
Terry, the regional PGR ride captain, whispered in my ear not to take any more graveside photos because it gets him in trouble. All I could think of was the Unaccompanied burial whom I knew Bill Sherer and the MIAP mission for Anthony Borowitz. Neither one I stood with PGR in a flag line. Besides, there is nothing on the PGR website against taking pictures.
I left the flag line an hour early in the evening to go to the Interveterans Council meeting. They are discussing plans for Memorial Day.
Sophie had been walked 3 times and still had a run burst in the house. She went down the hall zippy, bow wowing, I tied her to the front for change of pace, no tellin' how many times I threw her squeak toy, and then she licked out a peanut butter jar that I was going to put in recycle.
Friday after exercise, I shipped two packages to soldiers. I adopted a soldier named Jeff. I sent out 2 boxes on Friday. I requested 2 ladies but one of the names in the draw, I had sent a box to before. The ladies are usually one time packages. At least when I adopt for the duration of the tour, I know what I sent. If lucky, I get an email for a mail stop. Then I went to meet the candidate for village trustee. In the afternoon, I gave tours at the Old State Capitol and it was non-stop from noon - 4. I really made the connection with the visitors and I felt good knowing they enjoyed the tour. One family had 4 young kids an they were well behaved. I later helped a young 8 year old boy understand why the South did not want to give up their way of life. His parents helped along and the young man seemed to understand. Near the end, my voice was giving out. As a result, I had a dry scratchy throat. I then needed a drink and dinner so I went to the VFW and had my shrimp. It was difficult sleeping with a dry scratchy throat all night. I coughed a lot.
Saturday I went to the Soldiers Aid Society's workshop. We had a nice presentation on document preservation followed by embroidery lesson. We were trying to embroider a bee. Women during the Civil War referred to themselves as busy bees. I am not good at this because my direction of cross stitching is inconsistent. I did learn about using an embroidery needle and using bees wax for regular thread. I would like to take it apart and try again.
In the evening, I went to Belleville for the Lee-Jackson Ball (confederate sons of the CW). Nice to see that the Dixon Camp of the SoC welcomed all who attended including the non-members. During dinner, I sat next to a man who had a service dog named Mamma Cass (Mamma for short). Mamma was a PTSD Labrador who was 2 years old and rescued a day before euthanizing. She also been used as a mentor dog for other dogs in training.
Sunday was Palm Sunday. I was a Eucharistic Minister and my mind wandered when it was time to go up to help but still made it in time. Fr Dennis wished a farewell to Liz Foster who is a TV news anchor and parish lector as she and her husband moves to SC. I almost didn't recognize her in casual attire and glasses vs the glamor shots of a TV news woman. I stopped by to tell her that she'll be missed. In the afternoon the clouds came in just in time (unwanted) for our ABATE Motorcycle Easter Basket Run to Hope School for the handicapped kids. We met at Shop and Save and the wind was bitter but we still had 15-20 motorcycles and more in cars.
Here are the two lucky recipients of my baskets.
Feeling a bit miserable. I blow my nose and get light headed. I'm not moving around much without taking tissues with me. Poor little dog doesn't realize I'm miserable and wants a walk so I did. Dripping and sneezing....Blah! I will take it easy. I do have a lot to do around the house since painting the kitchen but that must wait till I feel better.
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