Monday, February 1, 2021

My Week

This is the week that winter really happened.  It had been pretty mild but we got 2 inches of snow on Wednesday and rain mix on Saturday, and although the temperature was a bit more reasonable on Sunday (37) the humidity chilled to the bone.  I had the fireplace going.  The rain diluted Wednesday's snow but the snow on Sunday didn't stick and it was more like a snow globe affect.

I had been doing doing my PowerWorks exercise classes online back in November but the state recently opened up the gyms.  We were supposed to be offered a choice of both online and in studio classes.  My recent depression tells me I should go to the gym.  The sign on the door turned me away.  I don't want to exercise with a mask on.  Others in our "masters" class say they can take the mask off once they are in the studio but that's not what the sign says.


Monday we had about an inch of snow.  The village plowed my street. Ha!   The pet parade virtual Mardi Gras costume contest was launched on Monday.  The outfits that I made for my dogs did not make the cut.  Photos of Amber and Sophie's entries are on a previous blog here.  

Amber has not been taken on walks since she misbehaved.  I only gave her the bare necessities. No fun time.  Oh she begs for it.  I took her to boot camp on Thursday morning.  Not sure how long she'll be there but she needs to learn she can't just run during a trial or practice.  

I picked up some computer glasses with a bifocal.  Not cheap nor pretty but functional.  In fact if I get up to get something, what a blur for everything else.

Tuesday was the highlight of my semi annual dental cleaning. 

Wednesday morning I learned there was credit card charges that I didn't make and it was caught by Visa.

I attended an online seminar about Lincoln statues called A Life Worth Remembering - The Monumental Life and Legacy of Abraham Lincoln.

You can always watch this later at YouTube,

I attended a Zoom meeting on Book Discussion: Mary Todd Lincoln: A Biography by Jean Baker.  I didn't read this book but was glad I didn't because the experts pulled out all the misconceptions.  It was a long discussion but I did get questioned a little off guard about the year that Springfield became capital of Illinois.  They needed to know for relative purpose of years.  Luckily it didn't happened while I had to step away during this long discussion. 

I'll be a replacement assistant for an obedience class for Wednesday evenings.  This is a class that was cut off during the pandemic and returning to finish the rest of the course.  The original assistant couldn't fit the rest of the course into the new schedule and asked me to assist the instructor.

Praying from my brother whose wife, Nancy,  passed away Sunday evening.  She was 59 years old and a special education teacher.  She was in an accident and spent 38 days in ICU then transferred to a long term specialty facility in Waterford, WI.  My brother was in tears about  loosing her and I understand how he feels right now.  I can relate because my husband died while on a ventilator about the same time after an accident and within a week of transfer to a long term facility like this case.    I'm helpless to comfort him over the miles but I do want to listen. 

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