Monday, December 27, 2010

New Angel Project: It's Me!

Soldiers' Angels proudly announces Operation It's Me!

With the support of Soldiers' Angels, Artist Susie Allen of Colorado is now providing beautiful pencil or charcoal drawings of deployed service members as gifts of love and appreciation for their parents.

Spurred to action when she realized that instead of just sympathizing with the burdens of military families, she could do something to hopefully lift the spirits of parents worried about their deployed child, Susie conceived Operation It's Me. “If I were waiting for the phone to ring and I ran to pick it up,” Susie explains. “I would want to hear, ‘Hi, Momma/Honey, it's me!’ When the package with the deployed hero's portrait comes to the recipient and they open it, that portrait should say, ‘Hi, it's ME!’”

Operation It's Me is truly a gift of the heart from Susie. “When I first began thinking this through,” she says, “I pulled a daily affirmation card out of a pack of 50 and it said, ‘Use your gifts to serve others.’” Thus, Susie's pencil and charcoal portraits of a deployed service member are available to the parents of that service member at no cost.

For more information about Operation It's Me and how to request a portrait of a deployed son or daughter, see the Operation It's Me project page.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

AMVETS Life Membership Increase

AMVETS Life membership is $180.00 thru Dec 31, 2010. Effective January 1st, 2011 ~ $200.00 and effective January 1st, 2012 $250.00

Latest Newsletter: Amets of Illinois

Amvets Newsletter link above. AmVets is the only service org that is open to all veterans. They have provided for the homeless thru the shelter in Chicago and provided fire retardant shirts to the troops and calling cards. They help get veterans thru the VA red tape.

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