Wednesday, August 28, 2013

My Week

Second to the last of the retreat ceremonies at the Lincoln Tomb and I got some tar on my petticoat that won't come out.  We shared cookies and drink at the park office.

Marley seems to enjoy digging up cicadas.  They are easier than squirrels.

I started watching old episodes of the TV Show, The Monroes on YouTube.

I had a stupid moment.  Sean gave me a set of keys that seemed to be old keys from our House in Edwardsville.  I threw them away.  They not but were to his new house.

I have on order a new front door.  It will have the built in mini-blinds and a storm door with a drop down screen.  It'll be a cranberry color.

Saturday I volunteered at the Old State Capitol.  I met Bill Sherer there who used to work there.  We reminisced about the fact that the whole staff has turned over.

Sunday I went to two gatherings, a back yard birthday party and a gathering from my tour.  Our host is a great cook.  She told me about her daughter-in-law who went vegan but is not necessarily pushing it on the rest with one exception:  The kids must refer to beef and pork as cow or pig, even when eating out an ordering. 

I had a warning to change my furnace filter and now I can't get the warning off since I changed it.  In the process, I ruined my A/C program and now I come home to hot house.   I fiddle with it and it comes on but it's all wrong.

Tuesday evening we had our last of the season's Civil War Retreat Ceremony at the Lincoln Tomb.  It was also the hottest of the season but not as hot as the year before.  Many of the ladies came dressed in modern clothes except one other and myself.  As a result, it was suggested that I pull the name of the winner of the lowered flag from the basket of entries from the audience to receive it.  I pulled Tom Lincoln.  My jaw dropped.  How strange to pull that name in such an honored place.  Afterward we had a little gathering at Jim and Mary's on the lake.  We had Italian beef, coleslaw, beans, dip and cookies.  We got to see Jim's man cave and his historic vault of antiques.

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