Tuesday, August 13, 2013

my week

Monday night I went to an American Legion Meeting.  It was the night for the installation of officers.  However, I gave many printouts to fuel our service officer with items to report.  I know our post well enough to know that information should come from the top as I am only a member at large.  I did speak up when asked about information that was "for the good of the post".  I did inform them that this coming Sunday will be Veterans Day at the State Fair.  I also announced the IDVA Veteran of the Month is from Springfield whom I nominated.  I was later informed by one of our members that they didn't know about it so I was glad I brought it up.  I was also given my silent auction winning from Sunday's Birthday fundraiser for Susan Baird by an officer of our post who stayed to the end.
Tuesday evening I went to the retreat ceremony at the Lincoln Tomb.  One of our other ladies who reenacts with me leaned over with her fan and remarked about how the wind seems to always die down just at 7PM when the ceremony kicks off.   Come to think of it she's right.  I too have to pull out my fan when it commences.

Wednesday evening I went to our American Legion Riders meeting.  Not too much interesting to share here outside of financials and review of the legacy run.  That was a first for our post so there is a lot to improve.

Thursday my son signed papers for his house.  It's close to the state fair grounds which was also the night for the State Fair Twilight parade that kicks off the 2 weeks of the fair.  So we parked in his driveway and walked over.  Entry to the fair is free on that night.

Saturday was painting day for the house. I had committed a long time ago this particular Saturday to do some reenacting at the ILES house so I couldn't help my son paint until afterward.  He called to say that one of the extended paint rollers was bad.  I picked up a roller that holds the paint inside the the long handle and takes less time.  He seemed to like that.  I helped with some clean up but left before 9PM.  He finished about 2AM knowing that Sunday was booked for veterans day at the fair. 

Sunday was free for veterans at the fair.  I was eager to see Linda get awarded a proclamation as Veteran of the Month for the State of Illinois at the fair.  I made her a special sash for the occasion.  I told her she should be thankful that I didn't get her a tiara.  There were so many fair queens running around.  I'm really proud of her and all she does.

Here is the official press release

She made the news.


Here is the video of her ceremony.

At 4 PM there was a parade for veterans down the main street of the parade.  Linda was the parade
Linda was our Grand Marshall of the parade and got to ride on the back of a convertible driven by Commander Noel of our Catholic War Veterans post.
Here I am in the parade in John's WW2 Jeep taken by my son.  We were escorting Larry Trappani who leads the Interveterans Council.

Well I filled all the necessary check off items that I had.  I had my "Voss" corn dog and a $25 bucket of sugar free taffy.  I walked through the draft horse shed and got to pet a biggie that seemed to like me.  The horse bowed to show me where he wanted petting.

I rode my motorcycle to work since I only planned to work a half day.  I thought my son might need my car to move.  The bike seems to sputter a bit.  I sure have a hard time explaining my problem.  I told him I've been having wide turns because of speed and balance as if it's hard to time the turns like a beginner does but I'm better than that. 
He rode it and couldn't feel it.  then went out of the parking lot down the street and tweaked the timing and now it is fine.
 I took Monday afternoon off to help my son move his stuff out of my house and into his new house. 

I had gotten an ostrich pillow on ebay and then told the order was rescinded because it violated the rules.  Well, it came in the mail on Monday. My other son came from Peoria to help with the move.  We made two trips with my trailer and car following behind loaded.  Afterward, we went to Cheddar's pretty late.  I had 3 coupons that I got as a door prized on the 4th of July at the VFW which I was saving for the 3 of us on this very date of moving as a reward.

With all this warm weather, I've been really going through fans.  I ordered another on ebay.

funny for the week:
A termite walks into a bar.  Belly's up and asks "Where is the bar tender?"

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