Sunday, January 23, 2022

My week

Monday morning seemed even colder than 29.  After the morning walk, Sophie was limping from the cold ground. I did talk with a member of the club about an incident last Friday when another dog made me scream.  Then I got the club's newsletter and the dog that made me scream, Zippo, was in the brag section for receiving the Canine Good Citizen (CGC) title.

Tuesday was another, rare, January day.  It was about 45 degrees and workable for outdoor activity.  I skipped a yoga class so I could go to agility practice in Mechanicsburg.  I usually do a therapy dog visit at that time but canceled because the weather is important.  Of course, the melting snow made things a bit muddy so I was glad to have changed into my farmer boots.  Once home, Amber and I needed a grooming.  We went to audition for Amber's role as Sandy in the play, Annie.  At first I thought it would be best if she went in without me to test that separation anxiety.  I was going to wait outside and have Dawn take Amber inside to meet the students but Dawn said Amber kept looking for me. So I came inside and walked her around to meet the kids and do tricks. I introduced her the the lead “Annie” and had her walk her. At first she wouldn’t leave me. Then I gave the young actress a treat and boy did Amber follow her then.  In the past, Amber didn't care who she went with 2 years ago but now she does. I will have to take advantage of others walking her and saying "come".  Then in the evening I went to the club for some open practice.

Wednesday afternoon, I did a bit of practice at the club with another Rose.  evening was the Veterans Assistance Commission meeting for which I'm secretary.  Poor turnout but it could have been both cold and virus related.

Thursday evening was the Catholic War Veterans meeting.

I had the fireplace roaring on Friday. I took Amber to two different group practices at the club.  Daytime class is an advanced open obedience and she did rather well.  Afterward we had lunch and I got a big cashew chicken salad and had to bring some home.  Then in at 7PM I took her to ring ready obedience practice.  I knew that Dawn and her daughter, Jayden, would be there.  They with the Annie play that Amber will be Sandy.  Since Amber seemed to be looking for me during her first introduction, I wanted to make sure that others could recall her.  She did fine but I did catch Amber looking back toward me as if she needed permission to obey someone else.  Amber did great.  So proud of all the work I put into her.  If I could only get her to stop that distracting sniffing.  I would love to have her nose removed.

Saturday morning was wreath clean up day at Camp Butler.  If Honor Flight is to get veterans together to share and relate, then so does Wreaths Across America.  I has a brief chat with another widow and we both pointed towards our husband's graves.

Members of the Regiment and S.A.S. gathered on January 22nd to honor the memory of charter member Bill Barrows, who recently passed.

 The tassel on my reticule spread out with static electricity.  I came wearing my cape thinking there may be something outdoors but I was quite warm with underpinnings and wool.  Here is the Violet and Rose theme.

Sunday morning as I entered church, I was asked to be a Eucharistic minister since they would be short.  I agreed.  Few were at Mass actually.  Last week we had a substitute priest.  This week Fr Joe said he had COVID ~ again!  Previously, Fr Joe would only masked among the congregation but not on the alter area.  This week he was masked the whole time with a black N95.

I was going to go to the Robert Burns night on Jan 29th but it was canceled.  Organizers were worried about the COVID numbers surging.  I put my tartan back in the closet. 

A few weeks ago, I got a brown 1760 Marie Antoinette style dress on eBay for a real bargain.  It's a size L but with the lacing it can easily come down in size.

 However, it is very long on me so before I can hem this dress, I'll need to make some pocket paniers.

I basically used the instructions found here:
I used plastic tubing.  Now to work on the dress.


39 states have gotten rid of the mask and of course we are one of the 11 remaining.

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