The Fourth of July started the morning off right with a Mass of Remembrance at Oak Ridge Cemetery with the Catholic War Veterans. Here's a link to that event.

After Mass, Staab passed out patriotic themed Krispy Kreme donuts. This is the sister that took the above shot with my cell phone.
Then I went to St Louis for their celebration. Missouri is celebrating their statehood also with an 1818 dance under the newly remodeled museum under the arch. I was given instructions on where to park and ask the guard to let me into the parking garage. Much of the roads were roadblocked. In fact I passed the the same detour 3 times due to street closures and one way streets. When I did get to the parking garage, the sign said "full". Oh crap. That one would have been stamped by the National Park Service. So I found another garage.
I was a bit lost in the crowd so I sent an image to the hostess so she knew where I was for directions. Jets by the arch from the front porch of the Old Courthouse.
Ha, I was standing still reading one of the signs and when I was finished I moved and scared a young girl. She must have thought I was part of the exhibit. So I chased her. LOL. (only a little to toughen her up)
Adjusting my day cap that goes under the straw hat usually. My hair slides things. In need clips.
One of the other dancers in a more "Jane Austin" look.
The candid casual greeting
Here's the group photo I missed while touring the museum.
Since my sister was on a train for the Fourth of July, I had to show her this mock train in the museum.
My shoes and corded petticoat. I have period buckles but difficult to put on these velcro straps.
Video of some extreme audience participation
Look who I met getting refreshment tickets
Since it was a strawberry party, this young lady had a cute strawberry dress.
Then we all took part in a reading of the constitution. This was my card to read.
Friday I went to my regular exercise class, showered, and then to the funeral for Charles E. Palazzolo. I went to his Mass service and caught right up with the police escort and knew it was headed in the direction of the church. I happened to be using my GPS to find that church but instead just turned on my emergency flashers and fell in with the procession.
He was so so so active in our veteran community and was in an auto accident. He left so much unfinished projects. I fixed a sweet potato pie for the reception. I ended up bringing half of it home.
Patriot Guard Riders were there for his noon internment at Camp Butler and for Walter Hunt at 2PM. Hunt used to work at Camp Butler. Our Chatham American Legion color guard was present for Charlie. I was in that color guard with the rifle. So point is, I wore my Catholic War Veterans service cap at Mass, my Legion cap in the color guard, and then later my regular women veteran ball cap for the PGR flag line for Hunt. I held the Air Force flag since he was in the AF and the only AF veteran present among PGR. I didn't know him but was fitting to do so.
I quickly brought a desert to the VFW for the reception between the 2 committal services only to learn there was another service in between finishing up.
Amber was getting a summer version of "cabin fever" and wanted out in the heat for the Animal Protective League's Christmas in July.
Here's the picture with Santa. It was hot so she stuck her tong out. If it were not for the lady with the squeaky toy, Amber might not have looked at the camera.
Sunday morning happened to be our Catholic War Veterans Memorial Mass at Christ the King. The priest was a visiting missionary.
So I figure that since Amber is going to take the TDI exam, she needs exposure to people. That's a limited opportunity. I took AmberAnn to Sheels.
She found her favorites here:
Monday is busy too. Trimmed the grass along the fence before going to exercise at 8. Then I mowed the front and back. I took Amber to the nursing home for a dry run before her Therapy Dog exam next week. It went so-so. I did have her perform a few tricks for them. I didn't stay too long because I brought her home and then went to my massage. Then I paid the trash bill. I walked the dogs and brought a strong plastic bag because I was retrieving some pea gravel from a fish tank that was a few blocks away with a sign saying "free". I needed this for the base of our AmVets flag. In the evening I went to the VFW meeting.
Seems like the weather tricked me with all the heavy, early rain. I had to replant some things in my vegetable garden. Now some seeds are growing where I thought there were duds. I thought that I had a free space to add a discounted tomato plant. Now I saw one of the tomato plants in the middle of a newly sprouted melon patch, I had to re-transplant it. 😎
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