Monday, October 1, 2018

My Week

It's the season for Stink Bugs
Geez, what the heck is with all these stink bugs this year!?!?! WAY more this year than normal.

In last week's blog, I mentioned that Sophie had a lump under her eye. I think she may have an infected tooth causing swelling under her bad eye. Vet tried what he did twice before to reduce her swelling bottom eyelid. I don't feel confident that it will work so I have a follow up on Friday. Both of these appointments are what we call "work in appointments " meaning a lot of waiting. My work in appointment was 9:45. called in at about 11:45 and home at 12:30. I started to nap on the bench in the waiting room. However, my charge was only $30.

The last couple weeks at Powerworks, we do a different Yoga pose.  This week it's tree.

I think Lin is keeping me from my wobble.

Thursday afternoon I went to a VA Town Hall meeting.  A man recognized me from the color guard we did for him presenting his habitat house.  See this previous blog.

Thursday evening I went to a meeting with the Tea Party.  I often have conflicts on their meeting night but I was free.  What an interesting speaker, William J. Federer on Islam’s 1400 year war with the West.  I didn't even realize that the LGBT movement was pushed by Islam.  The politics are like throwing a brick and blaming the victim for intolerance.  I also learned that there's a history of the date 9-ll.  We got coffee from Muslims because it kept them awake to fight at odd hours. The French Croissant is shaped like the Muslim crescent moon.
Author Bill Federer warns: Islam is more than a religion "A mosque is a religious center, political center and military center". In America, we separate these.

Friday I went out with my unofficial, veteran, womens friends to the Hoogland's production of  1776 at the Old State Capitol.

Saturday I did my script for the Wimmer Cemetery Walk.  I portrayed Fern Hay.  Things cooled of so I put things on under my dress to keep me warm.  I gave my script 4 times.  No two were exactly alike because I wanted to speak extemporaneously.

Photos taken at the event can be found here:

Sunday I was a Eucharistic Minister.  The last two on the schedule get to do the dishes (AKA chalices) .  I was last but the second last was new to the job and I was the trainer.  Ohhh the pressure.
Later I went to the Crown Plaza with the Patriot Guard to be in a flag line for Gold Star Day at the Crown Plaza.

I offered them free hugs.
Looking forward to Branson, MO.

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