Sunday, January 1, 2017

My Week ~ New Year's Edition

Well of course I have a life membership in the American Legion but I can get my card online.  Here's to 2017.

Tuesday afternoon I went to a retirement party for 2 former coworkers.  Best wishes to Debbie and Fred!
Deb followed a tradition that I started by listing all her bosses during her tenure at the State of Illinois.  I wanted to clear up a rumor that when I did read my list, it was Alan that said he calculated "X" amount of months before he gets a turnover.  I did not say he wouldn't be there long.  He did.  He was gone in less than a year.  Here's a flash back to my retirement.

The foreman and I discussed the floor and paint for the sunroom.  I asked about the ceiling fan and he said no larger than 48".  I took Sophie with me to Lowes.  They allow well behaved dogs and I get a veteran discount.  I picked out a 44" LED ceiling fan for $89 (after the discount) and I won't have to change a light bulb because of the LED.  It's like this.
I just wasn't sure on the drop pole length.

Wednesday I had my dental cleaning.  I was told to toss out my Colgate MaxFresh Intense. I'm having a reaction with my gums. I've even been alternating with Arm and Hammer toothpaste which she said I should keep.  I stopped by the Salvation Army and found a lovely maroon dress coat.  I get lots of compliments on my green coat but the lining has been patched a number of times.

Thursday I got ready to go to St Louis for a hearing test through the VA but while getting ready in the bath, I got a call that my audiologist had called in sick and I needed to be rescheduled.  Initially I had an appointment at John Cochran Hospital but the appointment was changed to Jefferson Barracks because of doctor availability.  Rescheduled for the 13th of January.

Friday I followed through on a thought.  I went to the chiropractor adjacent to Powerworks where I exercise.  I had never visited a Chiropractor because it's not covered by TRICARE. Pain in the lumbar is more than Advil and exercise will fix. I had my first of 10 visits with Dr Taylor. He explained the spine stuff and then had me lay on the table on my side. I had my eyes closed so I have no idea what he did to my hip but I screamed and asked if they heard it out in the lobby. He said I had the best scream of the year. Then he had me roll over on my other side and said it won't be as bad. That was true despite my preparation for another scream. It all happened so fast. Then I laid on a massaging table for awhile, paid my bill ,and we'll see how the weekend goes.  I noticed a similar complaint in my 2013 blog.  I didn't feel much better yet but there are more visits to come.

Later I took Sophie out in the back yard and found the fence down.  I sent this photo to my neighbor who was in MO at the time.  The connection portion that adjoins my house is not that great either.  The neighbor was out of town but fixed it on Sunday.

I made this Healing Broth and it tasted awful.  I'd rather eat rice.  It got tossed.

New Year's eve I spent with bubbly by the fireplace watching "The Crown".  In bed by 11PM.

Sunday I was a Eucharistic Minister. I can't believe I went to church and forgot my hearing aids.  I couldn't hear the greeter as I entered the church.  Well, I don't need them at home alone.  I turned around to get them and got back before the opening song.  It is the Solemnity of Mary. "But Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart." Luke 2:19
The alter was decorated with white poinsettias with blue ribbons for Christmas.  
 Here is the memorial plant that I donated with a photo of Frank.
 This is the creche that was all made after the fourth Sunday of Advent out of Styrofoam that was melted, painted and cut to look like a village.  It's encased in a display with a plastic window.  This photo doesn't do it justice.

I set up my Google home device that Sean gave me for Christmas.  Set up was easy but the learning curve is beginning.  So far I can ask it the weather and time.

I blessed my home for the new year with chalk as I said a prayer:
 “Christus Mansionem Benedicat” which means “May Christ bless this house”

No one will ever get out of this world alive.
Resolve therefore to maintain a reasonable sense of values.
Take care of yourself. Good health is everyone’s major source of wealth. Without it, happiness is almost impossible.
Resolve to be cheerful and helpful. People will repay you in kind.
Avoid angry, abrasive persons. They are generally vengeful.
Avoid zealots. They are generally humorless.
Resolve to listen more and to talk less. No one ever learns anything by talking.
Be wary of giving advice. Wise men don’t need it, fools won’t heed it.
Resolve to be tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving  tolerant with the weak and wrong. Sometime in life you will have been all of these.
Do not equate money with success. There are many successful money-makers who are miserable failures as human beings. What counts most about success is how a person achieves it.

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