Tuesday, July 12, 2016

My Week

Tuesday evening I was getting ready for the Lincoln Tomb and since I had my petticoat on I thought I'd try on my new "wrapper".  I loved it so much that I wore it rather than the dress I had planned.  Normally wrappers would be semi-casual but I figured that since I'm portraying a woman after the Lincoln Assassination that it would be alright.

Wednesday I had tummy problems so I skipped my exercise class but I made it to my zumba class.  I had lunch with my old co-worker and did a little shopping.  I found a pillow that might be better for Sophie's visits that is more tubular and help with laps that slope.

Thursday evening I went to The Admiral's Sea Stories by Admiral Ron Thunman at the Ilijah Iles House.  I recorded the presentation here:

Friday I had a meeting at Lincoln's Tomb regarding our upcoming "Kids History Kamp" next week.  Afterward I helped at the Old State Capitol.  Then I had fish at the VFW.

Saturday I went to the Vietnam Ceremony at the DAV and changed there to go to Vandalia's Lincoln Festival.  Lincoln wasn't there.  Charlene took a picture of my water bottle.

I got home late.  On the way home I saw a fox along the road.  I then got up early for our Catholic War Veterans Memorial Mass at Christ the King Church.  I was permitted to speak on behalf of the CWV about our organization.  The Gospel was about the Good Samaritan.  Now we all know the story but what I didn't know is that he left Jerusalem, a city known as the city of peace,  on the road to Jericho, a not so peaceful place.   Usually I only pay attention to the priest and the Levite who passed by and did nothing to help the man but the Samaritan did go above and beyond to help the victim of robbers.  Samaritans, from the area sandwiched between Galilee to the north and Judea to the south, were hated by Jews because they intermarried with non-Jews and did not strictly observe Mosaic law.  So knowing a little history can add impact to the story.

Then we had breakfast at the Knights of Columbus.  It was a benefit for the YMCA.
Sunday at 1:30 I went to Sheedy Shores winery with some of the members or our Powerworks Senior group.

Monday morning I took Sophie on a TDI to Regency.  There was a lady there visiting her mother and her daughter wanted to make sure her mother got a chance to have Sophie on her lap so she hunted me down within the building.  I made arrangements for Sophie's first visit to St John's hospital on July 25th.

I need to upgrade my Sloooooow tracfone.  It's not working well with hearing aids either.  I stopped by Best Buy for advice after the TDI visit since it was on the way.  I was challenged bringing Sophie in but flashed my badge. The salesman steered me toward Samsung Verizon, another pay as U go phone despite mentioning an expensive iPhone.  I guess he figured that since I had a tracfone I couldn't afford as much.  Like gee this lady came from a go phone to iPhone, might not have the funds?  I'm not looking forward to paying a lot more but what I have is pretty useless and I miss calls because of it's slow reaction.

I picked some tomatoes from my garden.  They are small considering they are the Big Boy variety but that hot dry spell caused them to burst early before plumping up.  I should weed but I get so bitten up by insects.  They think I'm delicious.

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