Monday, February 22, 2016

My Week

Now I'm nice and cozy in my home again.  Monday I had no heat.  Friday it was warm enough to turn it off.  Ug! I recalled something that I need to share in my blog ~ that when Moe was here, he was afraid of the sound of the breaking of branches to put in my fireplace.  For a big strong dog, he sure is a sissy. When I took Sophie on a Therapy Dog visit, the director really appreciated our service and offered to compensate me for my time.  I suggested they try a donation to TDI.  As a TDI handler I cannot be paid because employees don't count under their insurance.  Says so in the rules:
I let Sophie on the laps around the place but on the last of the day, the activity director was playing balloon with the residents and tossing it back with a loofah noodle.  One of the residents hit the balloon intentionally my way.  This tells me that I'm part of their activities not just a dog handler.

Thursday I went shopping at Aldi between Yoga and my Lenten "Living the Eucharist" discussion group.   Then in the afternoon I took Sophie on a therapy dog visit.  We had a good visit but the last lap of the day was now classified a hospice case whom Sophie had been visiting since September.  In the evening I went to ABATE meeting.  We had a mardi gras party.  I didn't think anyone would recognize me but my stature gives me away.

Friday I went to the funeral Mass for Jim Clancy followed by the internment at Camp Butler where I took part in the walk through salute.  Jim was very active in the veterans community and he was Grand Marshall for last year's St Patrick's Day parade.  While walking Sophie, I came across 2 teens trying to carry a husky that broke the leash. I offered to walk with them to their house on the half broken leash. Usually dogs do a buddy system and it seemed to help.

Saturday I went to St Louis for the
The weather was outstanding and people were out and about taking advantage of the historic sight and being out doors.  Here is the group photo (I'm standing just off center)

Reenactor Po-Pa....caught with a camera at the end of the program.
Here are the pictures from my camera.  The ranger took this for me on the steps of the Old Courthouse.  The grounds of the arch are still under construction and will be thru 2017 (with extensions possible)
 Cinderella Carriage rides for $40.

Duncan Noack and Hannah resting.
 Some refreshments for energy.
 Rules to be observed.  It is respectfully urged that during the present season, gentlemen in attendance at the practicing parties will cheerfully comply with the few simple  but highly desirable rule as in every instance they will be strictly enforced.  Black or blue dress and frock coats will only be worn with black pantaloons to match. sack and other loose coats and striped loose pants will be positively admittance.  Pumps, dress and gaiter boots only will be used.  This is to repel the introduction of the street boot.  Black gloves will not be permitted, only colored or light colors only.  

The enforcement of these rules will impart the tone of the ball room, the society of which Gentlemen at once will understand, and by which none will derive more pleasure than those most scrupulous in the facile observance of them.

Although the moon was visible in the partly cloudy sky, I drove through a few miles of rain on the way home.
Sunday I just went to church, washed the car, and relaxed.
Monday morning I took Sophie on a visit but not before a bath.  Boy was she dirty.  I think she's shedding.
Well the daffodils are popping up, there's a full moon and the scent of dryer sheets fills the air as I walk Sophie. Snow is coming on Wednesday.

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