Tuesday, June 8, 2021

My Week

Tuesday I took Amber to the nursing home and I later got a call from the activity director from an affiliated assisted living to bring Amber.  So we set up a date for Amber to perform tricks. I just recall unpleasant visits at assisted facilities in the past.  I was put in a room and nobody came.  In addition, residents are allowed pets of their own and family brings in their own pets so sometimes a therapy dog is no big deal.  In the evening I went to the  Lincoln Tomb for the first flag lowering  ceremony.  I did not participate because they wanted  the Soldiers Aid Society to wear a mask at an outdoor event.  Besides, the crowd was very light because of late advertising.

Wednesday was double agility class day.  I went to Mechanicsburg for training early at 8AM and then to a different location in Rochester at 6:30.  The gnats were terrible in Rochester.

Thursday's practice at the Capitol Canine Training Club was a great mock up of the upcoming obedience trial.  We had lunch afterward.  I also went  to practice Friday evening.  Amber is not doing well with her off leash heeling.  I've got trial in 2 weeks.

This is a video of a virtual run of Amber and I doing "jumpers" agility and was taken in Mechanicsburg.  Unfortunately it is not a qualifying run because of a course setup error:


Saturday I went to Lake Pittsfield for a reenactment.  I set up a table and described the Soldiers Aid Society to visitors.  I made the banner just the day before.

This was followed by a fashion show and various ladies had a chance to be detailed before the crowd. 


The weather was hot like 89-90 but the gnats were non-existent as they were in the past.   Then in the evening I went Civil War dancing at the Old State Capitol.  I sat next to Mary. Lincoln (Pam Brown) for awhile. I chit chatted about Pittsfield.   I told her there had been a lot of gnats in the past.  I suggested perhaps they sprayed this year. She just looked at me and said “COVID?” as if it's a good thing.  I joined the Springfield International Folk Dancers since I had practiced.  The 3 of these 4 ladies in my Soldier’s Aid Society huddled at the gate greeting people with masks (one on the left is an employee so she had to mask).  You can sure who is on what side. The only ones at this evening event to do so.  I only saw one in a mask at the Pittsfield reenactment.

Monday I went back to the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Museum.  Apparently I got on an "every other Monday" schedule with 1st Mondays.  There were 3 Mondays in May so I have 2 Monday's in a row.


I noticed that on "Nextdoor" social media site that someone posted a photo of a lot of feces that she claimed someone had thrown over the fence.  Quick to accuse but the comments all backed up the fact that raccoons do their duty like that in a corner.  They complain about dog poop a lot.  I could complain about the food trays thrown from cars full of food and shakes that attract all the opossums and raccoons. 

Then on Facebook another quick to accuse that someone had stolen a floral spray from her husband's grave placed 2 weeks earlier.  All the comments were pity and shame on whomever took it.  Then I pointed out links to the floral policy at national cemeteries "Fresh-cut flowers may be placed on graves at any time. Artificial arrangements are not allowed from April 15 through October 10. All flowers will be removed when they become faded or unsightly, at the discretion of cemetery staff." 



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