A few weeks ago, you may recall from previous blog, that Amber was in Delavan for an agility trial. It took awhile for the certificates to show up on the website. I don't believe a title is attained until I see it so now I'm a believer. She has earned a Novice Hoopers and Novice Tunnelers title with NADAC.
At Monday night's VFW meeting I was sworn in as a 3 year trustee. Oh well, all officers get exhausted (except the post surgeon). Just means I review the bookkeeping quarterly.
Wednesday's trick class that I conduct had no-shows. I stayed for 1/2 hour training Amber. I brought her home at 6PM and then quickly went to our Amvets meeting. Only four of us showed up for that meeting. I fear we will be closing our post in the near future.
Thursday was Lincoln's Death day. I had the privilege to help place a wreath for the Springfield Soldiers Aid Society at the Death Day Ceremony at the Lincoln Tomb. This year marks the 156th year since this great leader died. Peggy and I placed the wreath along with other organizations.
Waiting for the program to begin.

Some of the men asked if the dress was new and I said not really that I had it a couple years but it's wool. During the summer I wear cotton. They laughed because the soldiers are in wool year round.
I now have a DAR ID number. Volunteer hours for this event were credited to DAR. I have been tallying up volunteer hours for veteran related activities to both AMVETS and VFW but historic preservation category was not reported for veterans organizations. Now the veteran related volunteer hours can be double dipped.
I went to the dentist on Friday to fix a filling that fell out. I think I was done in like 10 minutes. When I got there, his assistant aimed one of those temperature screenings at my forehead and I yelled "ouch". She fell for it. Ha ha ha!
Saturday there was another ceremony at the Lincoln Tomb that I brought Sophie along to watch. This ceremony was more for the Sons of the Union Veterans involving many from out-of-town on a Saturday. Sophie enjoyed getting out. Afterward I picked up a new hoe at Lowes, needle threaders at Joanne's (they both allow dogs), and some food from the BBQ truck.
I cut the grass but ran out of gas with a little patch remaining in the back yard. Oh heck, it grows so fast back there that I'll get it next time. My dogwood tree is in full bloom. I've set out my humming bird feeder that I got for Christmas from my son. Fingers crossed the little thing returns.
Sunday I went to our Catholic War Veterans Memorial Mass alone at St John Vianey Church. The priest brought communion to us remaining in the pews in addition to other COVID restrictions.
So just after I stop forwarding my blog to friends and have them subscribe directly, the feature is slated for closure. I got this notice "Recently, the Feedburner team released a system update
, that the email subscription service will be discontinued in July 2021.
After July 2021, your feed will still continue to work, but the
automated emails to your subscribers will no longer be supported."
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