Monday, March 29, 2021

My week

Tuesday I started my lawnmower after being charged for a few day. "voila" !  This has been a problem in past at the beginning of Spring so I get a little pessimistic.  I mowed my yard for the first time of the season on March 29th.  It needed it so the dogs wouldn't drag their belly and I could continue doing some agility practice in the back yard.

It was also National Puppy Day:


Wednesday I met with my tax accountant.  I didn't have to pay into the IRS as much as I had in previous years.

Thursday I had a zoom meeting with my financial advisor.  

At the height of my mask sewing, I bought this PowerXL iron.   I would not recommend it.

Amber's title is on this page.
Well I got my taxes don on Wednesday with my accountant.  I had a dental appointment on Thursday.

Saturday I took Amber to Delevan, IL, the heart of the wind turbines, for Tunnelers and Jumpers.  I returned on Sunday for hoopers.  This is the course map and we get a chance to walk the course before entering the official trial.   The numbered cones show  the order to be taken at each entrance.  There is a timer at the start and finish.

Here is my score for the first trial
Here is my score for the second trial.  Of course I place first because Amer is the only entry at 8" jump class.

Here is the course for the jumpers. 

She dropped a bar on one of the jumps and went off course.








This it the order for "novice hoopers".  Sean said it looked like square dancing and he's pretty much correct because there's a walk through without the dog as I swing my arms with my invisible dog as practicing to dance.  The plan pattern is a lot like a bow tie.

I finished hoopers at the end of the day (4PM) and passed. Amber made eye contact at the back of the arena like I was going to loose her but she focused back to me and off to the end to finish the timer. Horses and trailers  pulled in for a subsequent event.  Since this was the end of the day, scores were not posted but will be online and in my email.  After she did well, I returned to my little pink camp to catch my breath and give Amber a reward of beef baby food jar.

I still don't know if I got any titles. 

Here's the area and my crate area is on the right in the pink.

I got home in time to go to Saturday evening Palm Sunday Mass.  At the end of Mass, Fr John was given a special blessing for his 70th birthday by a member of the parish.   I thought his younger photos reminded me of "The Monkeys"


Happy Easter!

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