At 9:30 I took Amber to our foundations class. She did pretty good...except for that turbo run around the room. Lisa Schmit has a PhD in physical fitness which is applied to agility. She had picked Amber up and told me she could loose a pound. Things like this happen so gradually. On Thursday, I took my dogs on a nice visit to the vet. Nice meaning no poking or prodding ...just a weigh in and comfort in that surrounding. Amber was 19.4 and Sophie 12.4. I didn't see the vet. I call this a "nice visit to the vet" 2 fold: get used to the office environment without stress and weight check.
breeds. Sophie is right where she should be for a pekingese but Amber is 4 pounds over for a border terrier according to the standards here:
I was surprised to learn this. I have cut back on her food and rewards for training cut in half.
I had my physical in the afternoon and everything is fine. Dr Sheedy was pleased with my BMI. I got a shot ~ Pneumovax 23 25 MCG/0.5ML Injection. Then on Friday I got my Flu shot at church. Jim Kunke sensed I was nervous about getting a shot so he nudged me on the shoulder to distract me from staring at the man getting a shot next to me and of course...I screamed. Sunday he asked me at church if I was mad at him. Looking back, it is funny.
Wednesday I had an appointment with the hospice volunteer coordinator at Memorial Hospital. I did a little of my shopping and then at 5:30 went to the Capitol Canine Club for rally practice.
Thursday consisted of Yoga-2PM Reflections - 6pm CW round table ~ 9pm Agility class.
I took Amber and Sophie on a "nice visit to the vet". Nice visit because no poking...just a weigh in. Amber was 19.4 and Sophie 12.4. Amber is overweight.
Then I went to our Civil War round table. I came home quickly for my 9PM agility class.
I was stingy on her rewards because of her newly aware weight problem. She was introduced to a wobble board and a fit bone, a ladder, and poles. A helper would rock the big teeter and the sound frightened her. The helper would calm her with words and petting so she would get use to the mechanism.
Friday was trash day and out went an old recliner that Amber had chewed in her younger days.
I tried to reduce the size so they would pick it up and also maybe a few pieces of firewood. That was hard. I wasn't able to save much of it for firewood.
I replaced it with a bench by my window that I got through LetGo. I put a cover on in and let the dogs sit there to look out my window.
Friday afternoon I helped with some crowd control at the Old State Capitol for naturalization ceremony. It was a bit of a challenge to segregate guests of the new citizens from those wandering in for a tour.
Saturday morning I finished altering and sewing a patch on my my navy blue Catholic War Veterans blazer. CWVs recently switched from light blue to navy since there were so many variations and shades in light blue and difficult to find that color blazer.
I went to the library to hear a first person reenactor of Elizabeth Kekly. This was her display.
Afterward I went to Paws-A-Palooza. Chatham Paws-a-Palooza is a pet friendly (on leash) and family friendly event hosted by Chatham Friends of the Park promoting pet adoption, responsible ownership and pet welfare. Entry fee was $5. Initially I had both Amber and Sophie but when I saw the schedule of events for a costume contest, I came home to change. I had an my arm band to come back for the costume contest. The park had some great kites flying.
We didn't place in the costume contest. That just shows how good the competition was. Besides, I didn't need to win any doggie cup cakes.
News media report on the event here:
Sunday's Mass theme was about being a good steward.
Courage, justice, and temperance are wonderful virtues, but without prudence, they are blind and finally useless. For a person can be as courageous as possible, but if he doesn’t know when, where, and how to play out his courage, that virtue is useless.
After church I went to the Clayville Fall Festival. Here is the Broadwell Tavern.

Overlooking the porch at the events below
Historical plaque by the DAR
My station that I set up.
The door behind me leads to the porch where my display was.
Have a nice week.
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