Monday, August 5, 2019

My week

Monday I sold a microwave cart that I no longer needed since my kitchen was remodeled.  I met in the parking lot at Noodles.  She also inquired about my Rouge.  I told here I got it through Enterprise.  She had a 2002 van that was on it's last wheels.  She is stretching it partly because we are both fans of Dave Ramsey.  I told her that I wish I had bought in summer rather than Feb because it was so busy.  They told me that par of it was the need fore ice accidents needing a replacement and young people getting their tax rebates.   I also told her what car to look for.  I told her that the evening before I had an exchange at HyVee and there were 3 Dodge Rams in the parking lot to look for.

Tuesday there was no dog practice so I did my double class at PowerWorks.
I then went to the Lincoln Tomb at 1PM - 8PM for tours and the Flag Lowering Ceremony.

Since it was cheesecake day, I stopped at County Market for some in this dress.

Thursday's yoga was canceled so I attended the other split group exercise on TRX and cycle.  I cut the grass in front even though the whole yard didn't need it.  Most to chop the tops off of the crab grass.  I think next year I should get a lawn service because my weed n feed is not working.

Thursday evening I went to a presentation on "Stealing Lincoln's Body"at the Lincoln Presidential Library to a big crowd.

Friday morning I woke to some dog barf.  I later learned it was from Amber.  She's been eating greens and that showed.   I had low energy but was determined to get a few things done.  I needed to put a liner inside the hat I wore to the tomb (see above photo) because the straw was pulling out my hair out of a carefully organized, period correct hair do.  I ran into a difficulty also where I had to sew some of the straw plait together.  I do like the brim hat over the spoon bonnet that tends to muffle my hearing aids a bit.

Saturday I took Amber and Sophie to the Dog Days of Summer.  This event was supposed to include Dogs on Ice at the Nelson Center skate rink that I registered for but it was canceled due to a lack of participation.

The girls had a paw print made. Sophie assumed the position on her back.
 Amber's turn to get her paw paint but she wasn't as easy.  I ended up holding her.
 We had a photo taken
Then the girls had ice water.
They had a kissing booth for dogs but I get kisses from Amber and Sophie.  In fact, a kiss on the cheek was one of Amber's trick dog test.

 Sophie met a lot of new friends.  Amber preferred to sniff butts.
The three of us checking out the piano and other trick dog props with Sandra who owns Pawsitivity.  She also evaluated Amber for her AKC Canine Good Citizen.

I left by 10am after the police dog demonstration.  Then I attended the American Legion color guard at 11:30 at Knight's Recreation Center.Chatham American Legion color guard performed the opening ceremony for the car show on Saturday.
 We stood for the National Anthem while the 3 girls sang.  We were still at attention when the girls went strait into singing another song.  I still have "Boogie Woggie Bugle Boy" singing in my head.

After that I fixed a dish for the church picnic at 4:30 at the Knights of Columbus on Lake Springfield.  We had Mass in the grass and a potluck followed.

I got Amber's AKC Novice Trick Dog certificate in the mail.  I notice that her previous titles are also listed (RN- rally novice, and CGC - canine good citizen)

Sunday I went to the purple heart ceremony at Oak Ridge cemetery.  It was a beautiful day and the Patriot Guard Riders took shifts standing by flags during the hour long ceremony.  Here's a link to the news for this event.

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