Monday, August 19, 2019

My Week

Well the kidos are going back to school and school buses abound the neighborhood.
Tuesday morning I went to the start of a new session in our agility foundations clinic.  I also enrolled in some upcoming agility classes.
Here is one of Amber's "turbo moments".  She has this "sugar rush" moment sometimes.  She does this daily and sometimes in the house.  I think she needs agility as an outlet.

After our dog clinic, I went to lunch with our Womens Overseas Service League.   Then I changed there for the Lincoln Tomb.

 This is my Garibaldi blouse
 It's a replica of this:

One of the visitors to the tomb shared this photo to me taken the evening before of a fox resting on Roy Bertelli's grave.  He was a famous accordion player. 
 Later, I saw the fox after the flag lowering ceremony on my way out.
 Here she is crossing Governor Tanner's tomb.

Thursday morning I skipped yoga for Mass of  the feast of the ASSUMPTION of Our Lady Into Heaven.  This is a beautiful painting of the Assumption - Mary being carried to Heaven by Angels The Assumption or The Dormition, a fresco in the Cathedral of San Pedro de los Milagros (Saint Peter of the Miracles) in Antioquia (Colombia).
Thursday evening I went to Lincoln's New Salem to see the screening:  "In the Declaration all men are created equal:" Abraham Lincoln in Illinois, 1830 to 1860 a new film by the Witnessing History Education Foundation, Inc.  I had a small part as an extra and you can only see the back of my bonnet and applauding Lincoln's speech.  Here's a podcast regarding the film.
I had mentioned the film in and earlier in my November blog .

Friday I helped out at the state fair's Looking For Lincoln event from 10Am-4PM.  I volunteered at the state fair at the Looking for Lincoln area. I talked about the Soldiers Aid Society and needs of the soldiers. A few kiddos just wanted their treasure hunt card stamped but I wanted them to briefly hear about the cause first. There were some young boys that really seemed interested also. Meanwhile, this butterfly was on my shoulder for a good 10 minutes.
I had a photo with Mr Lincoln so he looks extra tall.
I came home and walked the dogs. Rinsed out my underpinning, took a little nap and at 7PM went to dog practice.

Saturday I went to a civil war reenactment in Galesburg, IL for their Heritage Days at Story Park.  It poured in the morning so I came there in regular modern clothes with a change later in the port-a-john.  I did find a little lost girl that I took over to the first aid station.  When I asked for help in finding her mother, the crew said they knew her because she got lost before.  She's a repeat lost child.

 The attraction this year was a replica of the Hundley.

 On the Rendezvous side I met a mountain man with his Alaskan Malamute name Takota.
 The battle:

Sunday morning Memorial Mass for the deceased Catholic War Veterans.  Some of us and their wives went to breakfast afterward.

I watched "Any Bullet will Do"

I had some daylight left after the movie and an unfinished chore so I decided to do some weed whacking but soon ran out of line.  It'll be there tomorrow when I get new line.

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