Monday, June 24, 2019

My week

It may not see like it by the content this week but I've been kinda bored and spent a lot of time at home.  Lots of rain. 

Tuesday and Wednesday my kitchen was worked on.  The countertop, backsplash and sink were installed.
Now I'm trying to clean an oil stain in my driveway from one of the worker's vehicles.  I got my power washer out.  Starting to put things back slowly and putting in shelf paper.   I was disappointed that some of the particle board cabinets remain and were just resurfaced.   I specifically asked the salesman about the term "refacing" in the contract while pointing to the particle board.  He nodded. 

Tuesday evening I went to the Sangamon County Historical Society's annual meeting at Clayville followed by a tour of the Broadwell tavern.  The guest speaker was Dr David W. Scott speech was "Could Illinois Have Become A State Without Chicago?" 
The map of the Northwest Territory was on his slide show. 

 no chickens by the door but looked accomadating.
 I noticed this old sun bonnet and it wasn't like what I saw as a slat bonnet nor corded bonnet.
 We got to go on the second floor and look out the porch.  The building across the way is HDA accessible because of the meeting hall.
 looking up the steps to the second floor of the Broadwell Tavern.

I've tried this paleo pancake mix and loved it.

Wednesday was Junetenth Day and I went to see Chris Vallio and ensemble perform Oh Freedom.  It was outstanding and all performers gave their heart and soul into the program.
Same drummer and guitarist but choir and bass are local to integrate the local community.

Now I am laying down shelf paper and returning things back to normal, cooking and using a dishwasher.  Yea!

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