Monday, June 17, 2019

My week

Tuesday I went to the flag lowering ceremony at the Lincoln Tomb.  I wore my pants under my hoop skirt so I could change for back to back events.  In the evening I went to the Land of Lincoln Honor Flight's homecoming.  Here I am with Mrs Illinois Woman, Michelle Schuster. She's a veteran too. Oh, and believe me, she not only has a tall crown but high heels.

Our Wednesday morning at Powerworks had a photo taken. Those masks are scary.  I didn't know they were doing that behind me.

Thursday afternoon I took Sophie on a visit.  At 5pm I went to Oak Ridge Cemetery to see the Civil War Series for the summer hosted by our

I took this video of our 114th Infantry commander's presentation

Friday afternoon I helped a little with the setup at the fairgrounds for the dog trials.  I just unrolled some mats but that's about the limit of help I knew what to do.

Amber is a year and a half standing up with other beginners that are mostly in the 6 year old range because it was their first trial.  Then there were handlers that had experience but because it's the dog's first time, they get lumped in with us first timers.  Performance has more to do with the handler than the dog's teamwork. 

I did get a $20 reward for "highest scoring a rescue dog" donated by Ralph and Connie Jenkins.  Thank you.  It was a wonderful surprise.  Thank you card is in the mail.

Sunday morning we tried for our 3rd leg.  I did not understand what that meant.  Passing three legs mean an AKC title.  I failed our Beginner Novice at 8:30.   Seemed like things were getting worse instead of better.   I had "beginner rally A" trial at 10:30 and was emotionally upset.   I tried to read a book on a therapy dog but it was sad.  Amber and I were second last in the ring as the stress built up.  We finished the rally because I paid for that entry.  We qualified but not in any top awards. 

Here's the results from Novice (obedience).   Saturday morning resulted in the 2d place for the first trial in the morning.  Second place seems impressive but there were only 3 competitors.   I ended with a fail on Sunday because I skipped doing the first sign.  I was looking at Amber and not focused on that sign.

 Here's the results for Rally A.  One of the green ribbons says obedience instead of rally so it's really confusing but I know that I failed Novice so I had to have been handed the wrong green qualifying ribbon.

 The green ribbon is a passing score. The yellow is a 3rd place. The rosette is for the AKC Rally A title for 3 passes.  Something I didn't know.
Amber likes pleasing me with her paws on a bucket
I didn't know to even look at scores until the very end.  I only understood pass or fail.
 This 94 score is a 3d place on Saturday.
  So this was the last board. The 87 was my score.  So to me, I was just going down hill.  I was the second last one to test on Sunday.  Just imagine waiting all this time after a fail earlier in the morning.  I tried to kill the time by reading a book about a therapy dog and got to a sad part. That didn't help at all.

Those that got ribbons are bragging on social media and rubbing salt in my emotions.  I dare not share this on facebook with all the shame and false sympathy.  The irony is that my blog is public and facebook set to friends.  People are less likely to read a blog!  I know that my anger is showing because Amber is crouching around and laying down in the closet.

Some people told me to keep my dog away from their dog.  I'm more of the school of thought that a well socialized dog is good and prized dog.  Dogs are meant to be man's best friend I thought.  I don't get it when other handlers don't even want me to give their dog eye contact for fear of breaking focus.  I don't think I fit in at all here.

I was hoping that an AKC title would give me credibility to become an evaluator on my application for Therapy Dogs evaluator. Sure we passed CGC and Rally but I'm bummed.   1) my attitude and 2) the decreasing demand for therapy dogs.   Facilities are too busy to escort dog handlers apparently and recent abuses of emotional support animals seems to have bit the program's credibility.  If I can't get Amber tested through TDI, I might try Pet Partners.

I woke up Sunday morning and when I put in my hearing aids, I saw a flea in my cup.  Then latter I went to the Orr Building where the trials were held and saw a flea jump on my arm band number.  Now I feel itchy.  My dogs have had flea pills so the fairgrounds is infested.  A bleach bath for all 3 of us since I was itching after the event.

I went to Mass at the Cathedral at 5PM since that was my only opportunity.

Now I look forward to getting my kitchen back.  Tuesday and Wednesday counter top and back splash.  Then I can stop climbing over  boxes of groceries and pans that should be in place.

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