Wednesday I had my kitchen measured for countertops. He brought this fancy mechonized measuring device that blue toothed the results to his device.

Wednesday I went to rally practice at 3:30 and then a quick trip to the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Museum to the "Members Only" preview party for a special exhibit for The WW2 "In This Great Struggle" temporary exhibit.
Singing of the National Anthem
Ah the wine.
The notes from the opening speech were left on the table. Pay attention to the last page which brought tears.
Friday I went to this USO dance but it was way poorly attended.
I tried to get with the theme but I have trouble with the hair being from the time period.
I didn't stay long because I had dog practice at 7pm. Yes, I picked Amber up wearing this dress. We did pretty good. A fine point on my side about the way I held the leash to lead Amber.
I went to the AmVets Convention on Saturday. There was only one WW2 veteran at the AmVets convention ~ Paratrooper Angelo Dilberti. Airborne!!!!! There's also a video of our pledge and you can see little me in the second row. Not the one with the pot belly.

I was the first reader on Pentecost Sunday. My practice audio reading here:
I wore red to Mass as did many of our parishioners that got the memo. Father John mentioned in his sermon that the church has 3 major holy days: Christmas, Easter and Pentacost. You can only find greeting cards for two out of three.
Monday morning I took my Rouge in for service on the windshield gasket that has come loose twice. I had to leave it and get a ride home by their driver. Meanwhile I cut the grass. I learned that this 2018 car had its window replaced and the gasket was not OEM. They did cover it but if it happened again they wouldn't. I got my car back just in time to take Amber to the veterinarian at 3PM. After that I went to the hearing aid place and they helped me restore the app on my new phone. I picked up a 3 month supply of batteries and then went to the VFW for the Land of Lincoln Honor Flight banquet. I helped with clean up and busing tables. I did get some chicken but that's an exhausting day.
Well Amber gained 5lbs this year. She shook in the vets office and a tech and I tried to calm her. I was surprised by her shivering. I told not to worry because should couldn't be spayed twice.
I'm starting to teach Amber to carry a basket for her AKC Trick Dog certification. Here's an early attempt.
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