Monday, April 22, 2019

My Week

This week I had to fight to get things done.  Seems the pollen has gotten me down.  I made a special trip to get some BENADRYL.

At our agility foundation class, I heard talk that dogs are attracted to lawn fertilizer.  The secret ingredient is urine.  Who knew?

 Thursday evening, Amber took the Canine Good Citizen exam.   She passed but there were a few "do overs".  I was nervous.  The facility, Pawsitive Training Zone,  does more business on "nose work" so Amber is sniffing like a crazy distracted beast.
This photo was taken after the fact because I had a meeting of the Civil War Round-table right after the test.  I went back on Saturday to get the ribbon and photo.  The AKC paperwork was mailed off for certification on Friday.  I'm hoping that this title will fulfill the requirement for 1 year training experience required to become a therapy dog evaluator.

Our church was decorated for Easter.  I didn't help but did stop by to see the work in progress.  The dangling things from the giant host are from parishioners that jotted down a Lenten accomplishment.  It's supposed to be over the lighted chalice. We were given a round TUIT at the beginning of Lent.

I couldn't see my disk hanging up there. 

I read the second reading at Easter morning Mass.  I took my Easter picture by the partially opened Dogwood tree.

My neighbor behind this photo apologized for the late party he had over for his birthday Friday night. He said he's not a late night person.  They have a baby and those young families usually don't stay up late anyway.   I told him it didn't bother me because I take my hearing aids out.  What did bother me was the vomit in the road by one of his many guests and my dog wanted to roll in it.

Now I look forward to dog-sitting for Alan's dog, Hank, for four days.  Amber and Hank will surely wear each other out. 

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