Last summer I had trouble with the tendons in my right heal as a result of trying to overdo it on my physical therapy. It was hard to do a yoga "down dog" stretch peddling the heal to the floor and I often I did it sideways. It took a long time to heal. Not that it's healed, I realize that it has a name,
Heal Plantar Fasciitis
Tuesday morning routine tasks. I went to the Lenten Meager Meal followed by stations of the Cross. Often Father leads but he was unavailable so they were looking for a lector. I arrived just as the prayer before our soup luncheon was said and was asked to lead the prayers at each station. That was different and humbling. Sister Judy attached the microphone and I read each station. I felt honored to do this. I think there were about 30 to 40 in our stations.
Wednesday I exercised and Britney had played Fireball after I sent the video.
Thursday I went to this:
Members Only Preview
“From Illinois to the White House: Lincoln, Grant, Reagan, Obama”
March 22, 2018, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.As a member you are invited to this exclusive exhibit opening prior to the exhibit being open to the public. In 2018, we welcome the exhibit “From Illinois to the White House.” This will be the centerpiece of the commemoration of the Illinois Bicentennial in 2018. The exhibit will tie these four presidents to the state whose history, location and population make it a microcosm of American—and a perfect training ground for national leaders. The exhibit opens the public on March 23, 2018. The Member Preview Party will be held exclusively for our members on March 22, 2018 from 6:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m.
Saturday I took Sophie to Petsmart
Saturday I looked forward to the presentation by Shelby Harriel, Forbidden, Hiden and Forgotten at the Illinois Military Museum. I liked the way she tailored her presentation for Illinois.
A few pictures that I took:
Sugar and sassafras
Mark her co-host read a soldier's poem
She told us of a local girl know as the "French Drummer Boy", Jenny Clark (might be an alias).
This was also a rainy day and I expected a big crowd for the small room. Maybe the weather kept people home. Still had a great turn out. In fact, other areas of Illinois were packed with snow but here in Springfield we just had a hard rain.
Sunday was Palm Sunday. As I got ready for Mass, the Rosary at Lourdes was on EWTN and it was snowing. Mass opened with a beautiful song called "Senzenina" (What Have We Done?). After Mass I went to a pancake and sausage breakfast for Honor Flight.

I found this photo in my mom's photo that I hadn't seen. It would have been taken at Tinker AFB where I was stationed from 1985-1990. Cousin Lowell Slider took out the red eye. I also found Alan with Mandy in the same lot.
I need to get some photo sheets next week because some are sticking together.

Have a joyous Holy Week.
1 comment:
Thanks for coming, Rose, and for taking pictures. I don't have many of Mark reading the poem, so I appreciate you sharing that one.
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