Tuesday I brought a signed card to one of the members of our Silver Sneakers exercise group that suffered a stroke. We missed him because he was a regular and hardly missed a day. He seemed like himself with no slurred voice but he told me his memory has taken a toll and so did his vision. He sometimes forgets his name. I wonder if he know who I was. I didn't take Sophie to Reflections since they had the miniature therapy horses that day. I took that day off from my TDI visit. I had lunch with the ladies of the Womens Overseas Service League.
Wednesday I had an AMVETS meeting. Thursday I went to the civil war round table. The meeting was held at the newly opened "Books on The Square". She talked about a civil war veteran, James Taylor, who was an amputee.
Friday I gave tours and during one group there was a distraction. I was discussing the statue of Lincoln by Daniel Chester French that was the working model for the seated Lincoln in Washington DC. I noticed movement on the face. There was a stink bug beetle on his eye moving down his nose. Weird because it is the same color as the bronze statue. I can't give a good discussion of the statue with a distraction like that. I had to remove it. In the evening I helped with the American Legion Fish Fry in my green attire.
Saturday I met up with Amy in Bartonville to got to see Susan Marie Frontczak portrays Clara Barton in Chicago at the Eisenhower Library. Eventually we'd like to portray Clara Civil War style followed by Clara Red Cross style so her presentation was inspirational.
Since we were there and the day was St Patrick's day, Amy drove to the green Chicago River.
On the way back we stopped at Cracker Barrel. A neurotic woman made a scene at some young men just being seated. Something about their behavior and perhaps involving some ice kicked at her. They hadn't even been seated so how could they throw ice at her? Manager asked that she come to him with her problems next time rather than affecting everyone in the restaurant. Amen to that.
Sunday morning I read the first reading at Mass. Our photo from last week's Catholic War Veterans Memorial Mass was in this Sunday's bulletin.
Later I went to the Lincoln Home as part of Women's History Month. I had to refresh my camp dress and script for Belle.
The troop of presenters

Harriet Tubman
Buglar telling a young Lady how she could become a soldier. Must 4 front teeth in a row, 2 hands and feet to shoot with and march, be over 18, and you must cut or pin up that hair!
Amy's video that I recorded sitting in the front row is here as Part 1. I can't post part 2 for a week on a fee account limit.
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