Monday evening I got my Catholic War Veterans name tag during our American Legion meeting from a mutual member of both. I put it on my jacket so I wouldn't loose it. Not too much space for it.
Tuesday I went to our church's "Meager Meals" for lent followed by Stations of the Cross. Then the usual visit with Sophie. In the evening I went to a penance service.
We are learning some line dances in our senior zumba class: Electric Slide, Boot Scootin', Cupid Shuffle, etc. I think I'll be creating a Youtube album of these so I can practice.
We'll be the life of the party with these exercises. I did some shopping for senior discount day at the thrift stores but not too much because of a rare headache. Then I went to our Legion Riders meeting. Three of us have hearing aids and we did a little comparison. I told them they work if I stick my finger in my ear and hold it in. The believe my new aids won't stay in because the plastic c is too narrow to force itself into my ear wall.
I did my good deed for the day on Thursday. The 2 dogs 2 doors down were loose. I helped round them up. A young girl was home when I brought the black dog in but the fence they used was one of those orange construction fences and flimsy. She put the black dog in the house and then I led her where the last seen was for the black and white dog. She followed and was not far on the other side of park. I had a leash and she put the noose on the dog. Then her mother pulled up in a truck and happy ending.
I had a meeting at 5 with the Lincoln Monument Association. We were supposed to shut down but our president's husband has been ill and nothing got done. Letters to membership have not gone out and the website still active and receiving store orders and tour questions. I can't close the Facebook page before the letters to members go out.
I called the Lincoln Home National Historic Site to make sure I was still on for Mar 18 presentation. I wasn't sure because I got an email from our Soldiers Aid Society that they were invited too. Looks like I will present Belle Reynolds at 1:30. Dawn Henry will be at 1PM. Pam Brown and Harriet Tubman at 2PM. She said my referral to Amy to portray Clara Barton included at the end. Ranger Jessica is still arranging a schedule and press release.
Friday I helped at the Lincoln Tomb from 10:30 to 3. I then dropped off a Public Affairs request at the Illinois National Guard for our upcoming pilgrimage to the tomb of Lafore Lock on Oct 18. After that I went to the American Legion to help orders for our fish fry. That made for a long day.
Saturday I went to the Old State Capitol with our Soldiers Aid Society. We hosted kids crafts with book marks with spools and pot holders. Here's a book mark that I made.
Instructional video:
In the evening I went to our church pot luck in which we celebrated with corned beef and cabbage. I wore my leprechaun outfit. Last year's pot luck, Fr George sang Irish songs and now he's gone. They played that video of the singing and all were silent.
Sunday we enjoyed day light savings and went to 10:30 Mass with the Catholic War Veterans. We had a good turn turn out of members from our post and since St Joseph the Worker is home parish for our post chaplain and fellow veteran we had to take a group photo.
Then we had our picture taken with the pope.
Afterward, there was coffee and donuts available in the hall for socializing. I saw this little feller under the table. He probably had some daylight savings time issues.
When Sean came over, he suggested I microwave the Himalayan dog chew. The microwave sparked and sputter. At first I thought it was the chew. I then tried a cup of water ~ same result. So after he left, I went to Lowes and got a "Sharper" microwave. It looked small on the shelf but a little bigger than the old own when I set it up. I like the black interior.

Well Sophie wanted her walk at 8:15 instead of an hour later. It will be an early night.
We are learning some line dances in our senior zumba class: Electric Slide, Boot Scootin', Cupid Shuffle, etc. I think I'll be creating a Youtube album of these so I can practice.
We'll be the life of the party with these exercises. I did some shopping for senior discount day at the thrift stores but not too much because of a rare headache. Then I went to our Legion Riders meeting. Three of us have hearing aids and we did a little comparison. I told them they work if I stick my finger in my ear and hold it in. The believe my new aids won't stay in because the plastic c is too narrow to force itself into my ear wall.
I did my good deed for the day on Thursday. The 2 dogs 2 doors down were loose. I helped round them up. A young girl was home when I brought the black dog in but the fence they used was one of those orange construction fences and flimsy. She put the black dog in the house and then I led her where the last seen was for the black and white dog. She followed and was not far on the other side of park. I had a leash and she put the noose on the dog. Then her mother pulled up in a truck and happy ending.
I had a meeting at 5 with the Lincoln Monument Association. We were supposed to shut down but our president's husband has been ill and nothing got done. Letters to membership have not gone out and the website still active and receiving store orders and tour questions. I can't close the Facebook page before the letters to members go out.
I called the Lincoln Home National Historic Site to make sure I was still on for Mar 18 presentation. I wasn't sure because I got an email from our Soldiers Aid Society that they were invited too. Looks like I will present Belle Reynolds at 1:30. Dawn Henry will be at 1PM. Pam Brown and Harriet Tubman at 2PM. She said my referral to Amy to portray Clara Barton included at the end. Ranger Jessica is still arranging a schedule and press release.
Friday I helped at the Lincoln Tomb from 10:30 to 3. I then dropped off a Public Affairs request at the Illinois National Guard for our upcoming pilgrimage to the tomb of Lafore Lock on Oct 18. After that I went to the American Legion to help orders for our fish fry. That made for a long day.
Saturday I went to the Old State Capitol with our Soldiers Aid Society. We hosted kids crafts with book marks with spools and pot holders. Here's a book mark that I made.
Instructional video:
In the evening I went to our church pot luck in which we celebrated with corned beef and cabbage. I wore my leprechaun outfit. Last year's pot luck, Fr George sang Irish songs and now he's gone. They played that video of the singing and all were silent.
Sunday we enjoyed day light savings and went to 10:30 Mass with the Catholic War Veterans. We had a good turn turn out of members from our post and since St Joseph the Worker is home parish for our post chaplain and fellow veteran we had to take a group photo.
Then we had our picture taken with the pope.
Afterward, there was coffee and donuts available in the hall for socializing. I saw this little feller under the table. He probably had some daylight savings time issues.
When Sean came over, he suggested I microwave the Himalayan dog chew. The microwave sparked and sputter. At first I thought it was the chew. I then tried a cup of water ~ same result. So after he left, I went to Lowes and got a "Sharper" microwave. It looked small on the shelf but a little bigger than the old own when I set it up. I like the black interior.
Well Sophie wanted her walk at 8:15 instead of an hour later. It will be an early night.
I am learning all the time. The tombstone will be my diploma.
~Eartha Kitt
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