Monday, September 18, 2017

My Week

Trees are turning colors here and spider webs are growing.  Fall is approaching fast.

As Pearl makes strides to go from "puppy mill" to "pet", Sophie is turning into a food aggressive bitch.  I thought I felt qualified to train in many ways but this one has me perplexed.

Monday night I went to our dance practice in Metamora.  We discussed a possible demo dance on Saturday but it never happened.

Tuesday night I went to the Land of Lincoln Honor Flight homecoming.   The homecoming was electrifying.  There was a commercial flight of passengers going through our gauntlet of greeters and I recognized the Shehorns from Sherman as they departed and gave then a special welcome back.

Wednesday I missed a Fedex delivery of my birthday wine delivery so I stayed home on Thursday.
Our AMVETS post meeting wa graced with the State Commander of AmVets ~ David Hicks ~  at our meeting.

I was given a large bag of apples so I've been busy making applesauce.  I also learned that plastic tubs must be stored with their lids on or you'll never ever match them all up. Sure, it takes up a lot of space but you'll never know what got tossed because it got warped in the dishwasher.  I have put some in my recycle bin that I gave up on matching.

Saturday I walked over a mile in the Morton Pumpkin Festival parade with the Metamora Courthouse reenactors.  It was like 90 degrees.  I had never been to this parade but I was warned that people put their lawn chairs out the day before to reserve their place.  There was a candidate in the parade that made the rounds with the other entrants during our staging line up and wanted to know if the civil war soldiers were Union or Confederate.  Duh! Our education is on-going. I think that was the last major reenactment that I'll be needing my long hair in a bun so time to get it cut and donated.
The entire parade can be seen on YouTube and our Civil War reenactors are at 1:52 on the video.  Yes, that's one hour and 52 minutes and we were 3d last group in the parade.

Sunday I read the first reading at Mass. 
Afterward there was a welcoming coffee for our new deacon in training, Rob Sgambelluri and youth ministry coordinator, Maggie Long.  I didn't stay long because the music was so loud even hurting me with hearing aids.  The music was supposed to energize the faith formation students but I'd worry about the opposite.  Here are the readings below about this Sunday's reading about forgiveness.  I can't help but think of the times I've said I'm sorry and others have been forgiving in return.  It's been returned with "black balling".  EWTN's sermon used Maria Goretti's example of forgiveness as she was being murdered.

In the afternoon I helped out at a volunteer fair to recruit at our historic sites.  I sat with the table for the Elijah Iles house.  I couldn't help but do an impromptu tour for a lady who asked if she could go upstairs.  From there, the guide in me took over and I left our table temporarily.

I may have to avoid walking the dogs down to the end of the road because Sophie has picked up prickly little "goat heads" in her fur.

I was pointed out a photo of me taken last month at the reenactment in Galesburg.  I did order  copy but boy the shipping cost is more than the photo.  💫💫💫

Original can be found here with a watermark and you can scroll through to see other photos of the event.

Tell all the idiots protesting in St. Louis when you block streets, it's not peaceful protest.
Oh, neither is breaking windows and looting.

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