At first, my blog gets insulted and now another bombshell. Kind of weird that my sister unfriended me on facebook with no forewarning. Discovery was when I went to her facebook wall to see how she's doing and learned we are no longer friends. She has recently made drastic changes in her life by quitting her job and moving out of state. It's like she's running away. Her recent profile photo looked a bit chubby. I recall she told me that she was a vegetarian and boasted of organic foods which should make her appear healthier than that. So I asked if she was pregnant. She denied this. I then apologized for this comment on her looks but then she deleted me. I can only assume she would rather be left alone with NO RELATIONSHIP. It must be a hint. It's not the only hint. She's never shared much even when she should have. The constant guessing is troublesome. When I try to get to know her, I ask questions that show interest in her life but the response gets evaded from the subject and onto another unrelated subject or someone else that she knows and whom I don't know. These curt replies make me wonder what specific question I did not ask in order to get to know her. I feel like I have to go through an alphabet of questions. I've been a very open person and she is a very, very closed person. If she's given up on me, there's not more I can do to try to get close to her. I've tried really hard. Her choice not mine she replied. I'll remember that. No biggie. 
To all those who have clicked "seen" in the above conversation, you are non-commenting facilitators and therefore have taken sides. 
I am admin for six facebook pages. I recently left ABATE's FB since my membership expired.
Widowhood is sad. This was the reality I faced on that fateful day, July18, 2008. Sure I was left with a great insurance policy but my future is bleak. My son's do not appreciate a replacement for Frank and I respect that. Nor do I want to. They are the love of my life. I doubt they even read my blog or my Facebook. I look forward to a future in a nursing home care especially since I've experienced the routine with back surgery and see this often on therapy dog visits. I've been preparing by downsizing a few items and my coffin is ready in the back family room. (see my March 5th blog) On top of that, I have an envy that I fight demons over of not having grandchildren. I know I should NOT be jealous but other grandmothers keep throwing pictures in my face. Siblings, female veterans and friends at "silver sneakers" exercise class constantly share pictures of their grandchildren. I have to show pictures of my dogs and my son's dogs. I love my sons very much and save myself solely for them. Problem is our interests vary widely. I share their love to help our veterans but not so much on guns and music. I have been forced to transfer my feelings to those that do need me until that day comes when I may have grandchildren. Already, my sons are older than their father was when they were born. He was 14 years my senior. I must accept that they are the end of this "legitimate" Connolly line.
I found a Regency Era dress on Facebook and the lady I'm got it from told me she will donate the money to Hurricane Harvey relief. I had hoped to get something to wear to upcoming Regency Balls. In the past, I hadn't been too interested in this period because there's little education in this era besides the dance.
I tried it on and I knew that I'm short. It does slide off the shoulders a bit.
I would like to contribute to Hurricane Harvey relief but am torn. Some say the Red Cross is ineffective. Others say that material goods are are anything but relief.
The last Civil War retreat ceremony at the Lincoln Tomb for the season was Tuesday night and we had a good crowd. Many visitors stopped by and didn't even know about it. One of the guests to the tomb's old vault found a painted rock there. Painted rock community growing quickly in Springfield Afterward we met at Jim and Mary's for a pot luck. Time to sort and clean the summer reenactment wear.
My little rescue, Pearl, did a play dog routine in the morning with the pounce around and elbows down/rump up. She's beginning to enjoy pet life over puppy mill life. Oh, I still have a few accidents in the house from time to time. She seems to be smart enough to come in the house from the back yard but not going out.
Wednesday evening I sat in on the orientation for the teachers of faith formation to get to know their ways. I could be called in as a substitute so the climate of the environment and materials may help.
Thursday evening I attended a meeting of the Lincoln Monument Association.
Friday I had lunch with the ladies of the Macoupin County Civil War Round table. They are the group that has traveled to Civil War sites. Next year there are plans for Pea Ridge Arkansas. We ate at a little soda bar called Doc's along the famous Route 66. The owner showed us a world map with pins representing their patrons. He also told us a little story about some German visitors that didn't understand root-beer wasn't real beer.
Afterward I walked the dogs more blocks than usual in hopes that I would catch Paul who's father had died last Monday. His father was a member of the VFW and Catholic War Veterans. I was in luck because I didn't want to knock on the door. I started with a condolence even though I didn't know what to say. We had a nice conversation so I'm glad I walked the extra few blocks. Saturday I attended the funeral.
I picked up some items to donated to the Hurricane Harvey disaster relief at the Dollar General. There I met my veterinarian and told him I had an appointment on Wednesday with Pearl. I explained how she got her name by her looks and behavior and he liked that. Doc shared two other stories about the origin of the term Jalopy and Mafia.
Sunday's second collection was for Hurricane Relief so i wrote a check for $100. Then Sean came over. He showed me a trachea treat but we couldn't cut it to split for the dogs. I'll have to get some at Meijer. They love it ~ this and the lungs. Some have said "Eww" but I haven't heard similar comments about other common snacks like hooves and antlers.
I feel that my hearing loss is partly to blame in miscommunication. Therefore I'm often in a shell. I guess I can relate to my new dog that I named Pearl who is also in a shell. My only outreach is often written. I don't have to send anyone "MY WEEK" because anybody can subscribe. This blog is about my week until you have an affect my week and become part of it. I consider "My Week" to be be part of my long obituary.
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