Monday, May 8, 2017

My Week

There are so many things that I'm missing this weekend:  The Vietnam Memorial 24 Hour vigil, Civil War Reenactment in Morton, the ABATE Motorcycle Awareness Rally to name a few.   I'm told a special prayer was said for me at the reenactment's Sunday morning church service.

My physical therapist came over to walk me outside. I put on some lipstick and perfume because it was an official date.

We walked Sophie together and she was kind enough to do that bending part required for the walk.  She gave me a few more exercises and said I should feel free do drive.  This was 9 days post-op.  I was surprised.  I know my doctor said I could drive short trips too as long as I wasn't under the influence of pain meds and took that at home. I mentioned this to my neighbor who works at St John's and he advised against it because he's seen car accident victims that were post-op from jolt or reaction time.  I'll believe him.  On the plus side, he thought I looked a little taller. I need to take a good look in the mirror.

Sunday, my son assisted me while I shampooed in the kitchen sink.  He drove me to County Market for a few perishables and ending coupons.  I felt that pot hole at the entrance to the parking lot for sure.   Then to church for the chicken dinner fundraiser.  I had asked Laura for a delivery but then we would have had to wait till she came home from helping the dinner at 5PM.   Mary came later and changed my dressing.  Stitches will come out on Friday.  What this photo doesn't show is purple bruises below the photo.

Well Sunday evening I did go to bed early because something didn't feel right.  I went back to the walker for security and took my pill.  I don't know if it was over confidence,  new dressing, changing from the rocker to recliner, or pressure of the bed railing bar on my left thigh pressing as I get up from the bed.

Kim, OT, came over Monday morning which I was glad.

I received a nice Edwardian ensemble through Ebay for only $53.  Of course it needs shortened but love the adjustable waist band.  I have the wide hat already but when I look at a lot of old photos, I see more that look like this with a jacket.  It's made by Frontier Classics. 

Sewing projects are backlogging.  I did some hand-stitching and dropped my needle and thread on the floor.  It took a few tries with the grabber.

My nap was interrupted by texting and a door bell.  By the time I put my glasses on and hearing aids on and hobbled to the door, the salesman started to leave.  Too funny but I could have stayed in bed and had my nap.  I made up for it though.
Day 11 and I need lipstick.

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