I had 174 birthday wishes on facebook and some were not counted because they were comments on my profile photo (a rose with a birthday image) that was changed for the day to reflect the occasion. I had a great day. We got a good start on painting the bedroom, I had a TDI visit, a steak dinner and went to see the new Ben Hur. Happy later with my wine. I got bedding for my new bed, Victoria Secrets panties, a hand made zipper bag with scented, and peppermint shower gel. I got lots of nice cards too. I got to meet the new director at Reflections on her first day.
Since I did have a birthday cake, I started a cake craving the following day. As I went to the store, none of the cakes seemed appealing or too much of everything. Then I ventured down the frozen food aisle and there it was: Peppridge Farm Lemon cake on sale. Perfect answer ~ serves 8. AKA 3 days for me.
I got rid of a lot of full size sheets since only the guest room uses them now. I got 2 sets of queen. I had 7 pillows in this house and the boys gave me 2 new ones for the new bed for my birthday. I kept 3. Goodwill will not take used pillows either.
There was no painter Thursday...he doesn't drive and his wife drives him but she's got medical problems. She's prone to seizures. Showed up after 9am on Friday when they said 8.
Monday I figure since he was always after 10AM when they said they'd be here at 8, that I could go to my 8AM exercise. Wrong. I'm out a whole day until Tuesday. I cancelled a TDI on Monday and Womens Overseas Service League and TDI for Tuesday for the painting.
Friday evening my mechanical bed was delivered. I sewed a pocket in this stuffed snake I found at a thrift store to hold the remote. I figure I could always find the tail of that snake somewhere in the bed easier than a loose remote. Notice the steps for Sophie to get into bed. This is the bedding was my birthday present.
Since this photo was taken, I dropped one of my angel pictures.
Now I don't want you to think the rest of the house is in order because there's still painting going on and curtains to hang. The hallway was partly finished by Friday's end and to be finished next week. I've had to cancel some of my Therapy Dog appointments for this.
Funny how the realization that it was time for a new bed, led to painting the room, then the hall and living room, then new blinds (the attachments were yellow and brittle and breaking), new outlet covers next, and cleaning curtains, cleaning the newly emptied linen closet and lining the shelves. I'm grateful to Sean for putting up the mini blinds as I was frustrated putting screws in. Instructions said "easy". Then I was looking for an extension cord in the back closet and a light bulb broke everywhere. Putting curtains back on the rods is like putting on socks with a hang nail.
Saturday I went to the New Salem Traditional Music Festival. I'd like to thank my neighbor for hooking up the back of my dress.
It was the first time that I volunteered there but not my first visit. I was told in advance that I'd be stationed at the Hill Residence with Mary Dissler whom I knew so that was a good pairing for my first time. We instead were at the Isaac Burner house. 1830s hair is higher on top of the head too and I wish I had a picture without the bonnet. I was using my own hair rats on the sides. I still could improve on the hairdo but it was better than most who just hide it.
One of the men outside the Burner house made his own instruments. He had a dulcimer and I can't remember the name of the other instrument which he played with a bow.
This is Kathy in the Kelso House.
Her husband and Michaela.
Just as I was leaving after 4PM, I met a former coworker there, Dave, who took over my duties when I retired.
Sunday morning I rode my motorcycle to Mass with the Catholic War Veterans Memorial Mass and had to leave right after for the Ride to Remember 911. There were a lot of bikes. There was a drone overhead recording it all. Here's a picture of me with one of the historical musical reenactors, Bethie Rogers with her car in the background. Between Mass and the depart, I got there about 20 minutes before we took off so I didn't remove all my gear for that short time just to put it all back on. I mean look, helmet, glasses, sunglasses and now hearing aids which I don't wear while riding. She had mentioned the day before while at New Salem that she wanted to tag along in her convertible.
See if you can find me in this crowd of bikers at the capitol just before the program started.
The couple in front with matching shirts are in the newspaper link below. I heard the reporter ask their name. Here's the news article that estimates over 700 motorcycles participated:
My arrival at the memorial is at 1:10 on this video:
The house across the street that has been for sale all summer is getting a new roof. I also noticed that they had a sign that the home was inspected by "BeSafe". I guess the home inspector didn't check the roof. Maybe that's why other homes in the neighborhood listed later have sold sooner.
Sunday evening I cut my grass and nearly finished when I needed to make a gas run. My utility bill last month was $101 and this month it was $172 and I also get a small senior discount. I believe the rates went up. I know it was hot and the a/c was on but we also had a rate increase.
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