Tuesday evening I went to our Soldiers Aid Society meeting. We will all be very busy next week with the Lincoln funeral reenactment. I can't wait to celebrate Cinco De Mayo when it's all over.
Wednesday, after exercise, the silver sneakers had coffee at Edgar's in honor or our April Birthdays. That was convenient for me to go shopping at Goodwill next door (the cafe and shop are connected for walk through). I had lunch with Michael at County Market and then dropped off some wedding bubbles at Liz's radio station for her daughter's upcoming wedding. I found a book "Lincoln A-Z" at the goodwill. I found a period correct hooked cane. My snow boots make my feet cold. Last winter I borrowed my sisters boots when we watched the ski match. I found these boots that seem to have similar weight to those that I had borrowed from my sister at the Salvation Army so I'll save them for next winter.
Yeah, my back porch is rotting away. The bottom step is not attached to the rotted wood. Neighbor said he'd fix it for about $50-60 worth of material and donate the labor. The board is loose.
Then in the evening I went to the DAV for the Interveterans council of Sangamon County.
I have been asked to be part of the Wreath Laying Ceremony at the Lincoln Tomb for the Sesquicentennial of President Lincoln's Funeral in Springfield 6:00-6:20pm Monday May 1st.
Prior to 114th Flag Lowering Ceremony.
Thursday and Friday I assisted George with the ABATE safety awareness lesson to the drivers education classes at Pleasant Plains High School.
Alan got a new puppy. Australian Shepherd and Labrador Retriever Mix. He named him Hank.
Born 1/1/2015

above were from pet finder but these were pictures that he took on his initial visit.
Friday afternoon I gave tours at the Old State Capitol. The last tour was with a group of 7th graders. Their chaperone warned me they were getting a bit restless or something so I was to tell stories to keep them interested. I always try to keep them interested but I had no idea it would be the simplicity of pointing to an 1845 map that summed up "Manifest Destiny". They cheered in an uproar so loud that the other guide closed the door. Another said that the only thing louder on a tour was the word "lunch". After hours, I stayed because there was a program titled "An Affectionate Farewell: The Story of Old Bob and Old Abe" geared for 6-10 age range. There was not a very good turn out.
Afterward I went to Edwards Place for a presentation on African Americans Mourning Father Abraham: Lincoln’s Assassination.
Then I went to a pasta diner at the American Legion to support Honor Flight. I met Chris Morrison (former boss) there because his waive was singing with the Sweet Adelines. He told me that he put in an application for Honor Flight and since he can't have his wife as a guardian he put my name down. I thought that I had already been a guardian twice at $400 a pop that I should suggest his son go with him. He had assumed that if a wife could not be a guardian that a family member couldn't. His son, who was present, seemed receptive to the idea. As he said good by, Chris said I should say hi to the gang. I realized then that he didn't know I retired over a year ago. I did tell him that I have weekly lunch with Michael.
Spreading myself thin, I then went to support the ABATE party before the freedom rally. Lynn Steinmetz showed me how she put a patch over her busted zipper.
Sunday morning, Chatham had an eAlert about a village-wide boil order. A man was ill in church and an ambulance came during Communion. I think he was just faint because they didn't take him to the hospital. Father led us in a special prayer that Bill will be alright.
After the rally I went to lend a hand at the Old State Capitol which is not normally open on Sunday. It was the annual scout weekend where the boys learn about Lincoln for a badge. I was only there for about an hour and a half. The weather was super despite a cloudy, rainy Saturday. I hope next weekend is good for the Lincoln Funeral Sesquicentennial.
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