As the weather gets colder, I've been using a crimper on my hair. It seems to diffuse some of the static electricity which I carry oh too well. Well of course I forgot to unplug it.
I got my travel bag that I purchased on eBay for reenacting. I was going to make one myself but for all the time (and mistakes) this seemed pretty opportunistic.
After work I went to the fair grounds to see the Festival of trees since there was a discount for veterans that day. As I went in, I held the door open for a young man pushing a lady in a wheel chair. I asked her twice how much the fee was after showing my military ID for the discount and was surprised she charged me $13. I thought it was only $3. Well maybe I read the announcement wrong. I hurried off to the ladies room before looking around. Afterward, the couple I helped said I was overcharged because the ticket seller thought I was with those whom I had held the door open for. She gave me $30 back. That was nice. Here are some of the pictures that I took there.
This was more like a room display with a ball gown. Yeah, we know the hair isn't right for that period dress.
This was a ribbon winner with a lovely angel
Here's another angel by the Sound Celebration. I liked it but it hardly seemed like a tree anymore. Seems like the tree was more like a structure to hold up the tulle.
I said a little prayer before bed so that I would stop coughing and it wouldn't ruin my Thanksgiving.
I went to Thanksgiving Mass. Pastor had told us that perhaps the Pilgrims did not simply give thanks for a bountiful harvest as we were told but maybe they received a bountiful harvest from God because the were "thankful'" every day. He knew many who were terminally ill that woke every day being thankful that they were alive. What a simple lesson.
The 3 lb boneless turkey breast was a hit to repeat. Moscato wine was great. Pecan pie from GFS market was good.
Then we went to the movie
Hunger Games 2 by teasertrailer
Friday I took the Illinois concealed carry class. As you know, this state has been fighting gun rights all the way to the point of infringing on our constitutional rights so they were backed into a corner to allow it by the government. I seemed to take it more seriously because now we can take our revolver out of our homes for protection. I still have problems with accuracy with my .38. I love it because it's light, easy load and clean but hard on the trigger and short barrel sucks on accuracy. I didn't have enough points to pass and ran out of ammo so I was retested on the instructor's gun and passed. It also made a difference when he explained how to read the aim. I needed a 21 to pass and got 26 on his gun. I don't know if I should trade my gun or see if the trigger can be softened. Now in January I can apply for a conceal carry permit.
Going to bed the past few nights have been nothing but cough.
Saturday was nice so instead of shopping which I could do after dark, I took advantage of the weather to put up my Christmas decorations. I got the wreaths out of the shed to take to Camp Butler's front row in anticipation of Wreaths Across America and discovered the remains of a dead cat in my shed. The mystery of what happened to David 3 years ago may be solved.
Sunday morning I went to our monthly memorial Mass with the Catholic War Veterans in Rochester. This is the first Sunday of Advent and the church was decorated in purple and pink, the colors of the Advent wreath. Kathy sat with us but is not a member of our CWV post. I was surprised to see a little old lady drive off in a huge truck.
"One day someone is going to hug you so tight;
That all of your broken pieces will stick back together."
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