Whenever we meet folks who take the time to show their appreciation to our brothers and sisters in uniform for all the sacrifices they have made and continue to make for freedom’s sake, we take an instant liking to them… especially when they turn out to be extraordinarily talented and are using that talent to support our troops. That is exactly what singer-songwriter-musician and owner of Guilty Dog Studios Joe Merrick is doing.Go read the whole thing.
Veteran Kelli Harmon knows what the support of SoldiersĆ Angels means to troops and their families, so she jumped at the chance to join the team in September. Kelli is the SoldiersĆ Angels Social Media Coordinator, a position in which she will focus on spreading the message of SoldiersĆ Angels through mediums like Facebook, Twitter and other online avenues.
SoldiersĆ Angels and Kelli have been partners for several years already. She initially encountered the organization in 2008 when Toby Nunn stopped in at the Fort Hood BOSS (Better Opportunities for Single Soldiers) office while she was the BOSS President for Ft Hood. As a previous Fort Hood BOSS President himself, Toby was interested in supporting KelliĆs efforts in the position. Toby and Kelli worked together on a number of large-scale events that SoldiersĆ Angels supported. ƬDuring my two years as BOSS President, SoldiersĆ Angels was the most supportive organization and they truly showed that they do care about Soldiers,Ć® Kelli recalls.
In April 2010, Kelli was deployed to Camp Marmal, in Regional Command-North, Afghanistan with the 4th Infantry Division, 4th Combat Aviation Brigade and soon became the BrigadeĆs BOSS Representative. The Camp had no morale facilities when she arrived, so she set to work gathering resources to change that, including SoldiersĆ Angels. Her efforts brought about MWR opportunities that included a gym, USO facility, basketball and volleyball courts, a movie theatre and a number of special events. KelliĆs tremendous work during her deployment garnered her two Army Commendation Medals and a Bronze Star.
Giving back to those around her has always been a part of KelliĆs life. Before spending 6.5 years in the military, she chose a career as a firefighter before discovering that she felt as though she still was not contributing enough to her country. ƬI loved it and will go back at some point,Ć® she says, Ƭbut I wasnĆt giving back enough as a firefighter.Ć®
With her background and experience, working with SoldiersĆ Angels after her military service was a natural fit. ƬThe dedication of SoldiersĆ Angels to the average Soldier and Veteran led me to choose SoldiersĆ Angels as my next place of employment,Ć® Kelli says. ƬIĆm really excited to be working with SoldiersĆ Angels.Ć®
SoldiersĆ Angels is excited to have Kelli on the team! Thank you to Kelli for her serviceĆ³past, present and certainly future!
Multiple fires have been raging across Texas, burning over 1,000 homes and 100,000 acres in the last few days alone. With the state's huge military population, that means many active duty personnel and veterans and their families have been displaced right along with everyone else, and many have lost everything they have. Even some of those whose homes have survived probably will not be able to return for several weeks.
Donations of funds for Soldiers' Angels to purchase items for these heroes and their families are desperately needed, as well as gift cards, and materials such as clothing and hygiene items or other things that a displaced person would need. Gift cards are needed as well.
Please donate below, or send items to the addresses indicated. Thank you for helping us help them!:
Gift cards (Walmart & Target): Soldiers' Angels Texas Fires 1792 E Washington Blvd Pasadena, CA 91104 | | Other Items: Soldiers' Angels Texas Fires 4408 N PanAm Expressway San Antonio, TX 78218 |
Thank you for helping us help America's heroes! On Wednesday, September 7, Toby, Jarrod and Patti stocked up at Walmart and delivered needed items to evacuees. "The place like a war zone," Patti said. More will be needed.
Above, a view of the fires from Austin.
Entrepreneur Mia Styles is helping Soldiers’ Angels stuff care packages with her one-of-a-kind, delicious beef jerky. Starting today, Styles is offering Mama Mia jerky for $4.50 per bag (reg. $6.99) when customers donate that purchase to Soldiers’ Angels. Her goal is to send 5,000 bags to deployed troops through the Soldiers’ Angels warehouse in nearby Pasadena, CA.
Though Styles has been in business only since January, she already has an extensive history of charitable activities. She has conducted fundraisers for cystic fibrosis and breast cancer, and even turned down a potential major investor who wanted her to spend less time and money on her fundraisers.
Created with her father’s personal recipe that marinates the meat for three days before smoking it, Mia’s jerky is a big hit with everyone who tries it, including her Marine Corps friends in Afghanistan who inspired her to start this donation drive for Soldiers’ Angels. Since jerky is small and lightweight while offering concentrated nutrition, it's the perfect care package stuffer and easy for troops to carry when on patrols.
Click to donate jerky for the troops (only this link will send jerky to the troops).
To get some yummy Mama Mia’s jerky for yourself or a friend, visit MamaMiasBeefJerky.com (do NOT use this link to donate for the troops).