Monday, August 15, 2011

My Week

I saw a mini-pin at the farmers market that got a lil aggressive. The owner stepped in. He noticed my AmVets cap. He told me he was home from a trauma hospital after his brain injury while in the 82d Airborne. I gave him SA thank you card from my purse. He said he lost his wife a week ago from a diabetic attack and that the mini-pin was her dog. The dog cuddled him and was calm.

Well now we’ve been told that employees have to pay to park. An extra $35/month will eat into that new $39.44 pay raise I just got on July 1.

Although I have not been riding my motorcycle to work lately, I did take the Yamaha to work on Thursday because it’s easy to park at the state fair after work. Friday my dog had his stitches taken out. In the evening I worked in the beer tent at the state fair with the proceeds going to veterans.

I rode my little motorcycle to work knowing that I could cheat park at the state fair on opening night for the opening Twilight Parade. After work, I went to a presentation over at the hospital conference room and got a complimentary screening for cholesterol. It was 226. Then I went to the parade. Yep, traffic was heavy and so I rode between a few barriers right down the parade’s staging area. Before getting into the parade area, I had to rejoin the traffic but ziggied my way along the curb till I got to the fair grounds. I had to be real defensive doing that because drivers are not looking for a little motorcycle along the curb. One little old lady wanted to turn left without looking so that was one brake there. Then there was another turning in at an intersection where a man with a flag was selling his lawn parking. We chatted about the traffic. I told him I was just looking for cheat parking. He said he had great motorcycle parking for $3. I said fuck that. Then rode right in and parked behind the Coors beer tent.
I had a chat with a few individuals about riding which I no longer do to work. There are too many folks in a hurry and not paying attention.
Bentley's stitches came out just fine. He's got another prescription. I went to pick it up at WalMart which they had but said it wouldn't be ready for 45 min. well I didn't want to leave Bentley in the car that long. I asked Alan to get the pills since I had to work the state fair. In the morning he wasn't home and I had forgotten that he told me he and Sean were going to Bloomington to fire his rifle at a longer range.

I went to the fair and worked the beer booth in "The Shed" with my son. Before my shift we ate Jerk Chicken at Ethnic Village. I got a T-Shirt that lights up and activated by sound. Great shirt for a beer booth with a band. Vendor was asking $30 and I offered $20. Settled in the middle. I was relieved of duties at midnight.

I made an appointment for Marley and Bentley at the groomers on Tues. I can drop them off on my way to work. I'll be using the grooming coupon I got in my basket from the American Legion Legacy Run auction. I talked with the owner and she's proud to support the cause. I told her what the vet said..."Bentley is probably deaf and don't clean his inner ear area" Then, Bentley heard his name and looked at me. Hmm! I got in my car to run errands and noticed that my car flashed the “Check Engine Soon” light. I went directly to my mechanic which was closed so I stopped by the Nissan dealer who told me that I would be fine to drive it but to come back ASAP next week. I figure that if I can wait, I’ll go to a local mechanic that won’t rip me off both in service and fees. Monday I dropped the car off and they gave me a ride to work. My driver hinted that there had been talks about moving the Illinois State Fair to Chicago. Oh yeah, that’s a Mecca for agriculture.

I got dressed up and off to the Rocky Horror Picture Show. Well they called off RHPS since very few showed up. I did finally get to see the inside of this theater that had a for sale sign for a long time. Jeff said the resident ghost, Joe, was glad to see activity in the theater after being closed for so long. I’ll try to go next week but I am working the beer booth Friday.

I can be seen on this video at 0.26 on my motorcycle

The Coast Guard Silent Drill Team that performed is here:

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