I went to ABATE meeting on Thursday. I tried Miller Lite 64 calories. Not bad so I picked up a case.
I mailed a box to a lady in Afghanistan on Friday.
My son asked me to wake him up Friday before I go to work so he can take his car over for maintenance all day troubleshooting. The garage said they would give him a ride back. I woke him twice before I left for work at 8:00. I called him 4 times leaving voice messages. Then called Rugless Auto to see if he had arrived and they said “no”. How’s he ever gonna get a job? He called me about 2:25PM and told me he’s been up since 11 but he thought it was too late to take his car in and feared he’d have to leave it there for the weekend. Whatever!
I got an email Open Range, my internet service provider, that they were discontinuing its nationwide operations and by evening I was cut off. I’ve been having such rotten luck. My HP computer crashed in September and I had trouble getting a refund of the new hard drive much less acknowledgement of the extended service pack. As a result I’ve been getting by on my husband’s Macintosh. I needed a PC tower for the non-compatible Apple stuff and Internet Service so went to BLH and got a refurbished Dell and Xandadoo. Xandadoo is so slow that I don’t think I’ll continue its 7 day trial. My son needs internet for his Kingdom of Camelot. On the up side, I got an email the HP was finally refunding the cost of the hard drive that did not work and I had returned since I wrote and sent a copy of the postal insurance label. Tuesday I went to the cable company and got in on an introductory internet offer so I’ll cut off Xanadoo.
I rented a movie from Family Video and noticed they had a special display table for videos for the troops. I made a contribution at the checkout. The clerk asked me to sign the card for their wall. I pulled out a Soldiers Angles card and told him to staple my card to their card. I watched Water For Elephants with my son.
Saturday morning I got up early and did some grocery shopping. I had some coupons at County Market to use up before Sunday. Items were greatly discounted but mostly things that I don’t use. However, I got them and took three bags over to the Food Pantry.

I stopped by the Avenue Thrift store and picked up this double Lane recliner. It had stuffing coming out on the top right but I patched it and you can hardly tell. It is so comfortable and nice for a lap dog. The recliner did not fit in my Murano by just a little bit so my son and I had to borrow a pick up to bring it home. I found a matching pillow with a yellow tag (the half off color at the time) and a tapestry with a yellow tag that complimented this. That should stretch the life of the chair especially with pets.

Sunday after church I went to the Kumler Church where ABATE was hosting the annual Thanksgiving dinner for the homeless. Time are tough and even our motorcycle poker runs had trouble raising money and donations for silent auctions but organizers got plenty of donations for this dinner. Kudos. One of the first in the meal line was my cleaning lady, Margret. It was nice to see her. I told her I’d been helping with the dinner the last 3 years and she didn’t remember seeing me last year. I thought for a moment and then realized that was the year of my accident. However, I did take pictures of the Thanksgiving dinner so I know I was there but probably was seated more.
I mailed a box to a lady in Afghanistan on Friday.
My son asked me to wake him up Friday before I go to work so he can take his car over for maintenance all day troubleshooting. The garage said they would give him a ride back. I woke him twice before I left for work at 8:00. I called him 4 times leaving voice messages. Then called Rugless Auto to see if he had arrived and they said “no”. How’s he ever gonna get a job? He called me about 2:25PM and told me he’s been up since 11 but he thought it was too late to take his car in and feared he’d have to leave it there for the weekend. Whatever!
I got an email Open Range, my internet service provider, that they were discontinuing its nationwide operations and by evening I was cut off. I’ve been having such rotten luck. My HP computer crashed in September and I had trouble getting a refund of the new hard drive much less acknowledgement of the extended service pack. As a result I’ve been getting by on my husband’s Macintosh. I needed a PC tower for the non-compatible Apple stuff and Internet Service so went to BLH and got a refurbished Dell and Xandadoo. Xandadoo is so slow that I don’t think I’ll continue its 7 day trial. My son needs internet for his Kingdom of Camelot. On the up side, I got an email the HP was finally refunding the cost of the hard drive that did not work and I had returned since I wrote and sent a copy of the postal insurance label. Tuesday I went to the cable company and got in on an introductory internet offer so I’ll cut off Xanadoo.
I rented a movie from Family Video and noticed they had a special display table for videos for the troops. I made a contribution at the checkout. The clerk asked me to sign the card for their wall. I pulled out a Soldiers Angles card and told him to staple my card to their card. I watched Water For Elephants with my son.
Saturday morning I got up early and did some grocery shopping. I had some coupons at County Market to use up before Sunday. Items were greatly discounted but mostly things that I don’t use. However, I got them and took three bags over to the Food Pantry.
I stopped by the Avenue Thrift store and picked up this double Lane recliner. It had stuffing coming out on the top right but I patched it and you can hardly tell. It is so comfortable and nice for a lap dog. The recliner did not fit in my Murano by just a little bit so my son and I had to borrow a pick up to bring it home. I found a matching pillow with a yellow tag (the half off color at the time) and a tapestry with a yellow tag that complimented this. That should stretch the life of the chair especially with pets.

Sunday after church I went to the Kumler Church where ABATE was hosting the annual Thanksgiving dinner for the homeless. Time are tough and even our motorcycle poker runs had trouble raising money and donations for silent auctions but organizers got plenty of donations for this dinner. Kudos. One of the first in the meal line was my cleaning lady, Margret. It was nice to see her. I told her I’d been helping with the dinner the last 3 years and she didn’t remember seeing me last year. I thought for a moment and then realized that was the year of my accident. However, I did take pictures of the Thanksgiving dinner so I know I was there but probably was seated more.
When I got to work on Monday, I learned that a coworker’s father had passed away. His mother had passed in May. How sad. I've been having everyone sign a card and accepting donations for the charity mentioned in the obit.
In the evening I continued my lessons for the historic ball that’s coming up. These are really more like social mixer dances because we change partners frequently but I would not go without a partner because some of the women have to dance in the male position. I can’t do that so well with my height because we have to create a high bridge at time for others to go under and stuff like that. I’ve been going with Gene from the VFW. He seems to be enjoying the lessons. He said he really liked the movie “Of Gods and Generals”. I loaned him an outfit for the event from my collection of historic costumes but warned him that it’s not a general but a sergeant outfit.
I got a letter in the mail from one of the ladies that I had sent a box of goodies to in Afghanistan thanking me for the package. I’ve also been watching the facebook reunion of my previously adopted soldier on his return to his family.
It rained on Tuesday so I didn’t get to walk my dogs. I did see someone riding a motorcycle in the rain.
I’m trying to get my advent wreath candles to stay upright with foil. Floppity Flop Flop!
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