Tuesday, September 18, 2018

My Week

Butterflies on flowers - mushrooms in my lawn.  That sums up the season.

I woke up on 911 and put flags on my lawn and back of my car.  I drove all day with the flags in my trailer hitch.  At one stop light I heard from another truck next to me "Mam" ~ I looked and saw a man salute.  I returned with "back at ya".
I went to our WOSL meeting on Tuesday and then helped Kelly with her website (see below)

I published a memorial blog to my sister but I can still add to it if I think of something more (which I probably will).

Thursday evening I went to our Catholic War Veterans meeting and our commander returned from the national convention with an award for me on our post history book report. I texted him how it went but apparently he wanted to surprise me.

Friday morning I had my annual physical.  I got a Pneumonia shot. Still need to do the blood test.

I had been working on helping a fellow lady veteran with her website and I think I finally got the kinks out of it.   I'm not used to working with 2 providers:  Bluehost and Wordpress.  The dashboard was much different than others.  I wanted to keep her website simple because her clients may be elderly.  Here is her site:

I noticed that my social security widow's pension had a decrease.  This must be due to my own medicare coverage and discovered that Part B medical insurance was deducted. $134.00

Saturday morning I went to yoga and then a meeting of our Soldiers Aid Society.   I did a little shopping and took my dogs to Petsmart since I had a coupon for their favorite, grain-free, dog food.  The girls were overwhelmed by the activity in the story because it was pet adoption day.  The check out clerk gave treats to Amber.  Sophie was a bit more picky.

Amber chewed the thank you card for the wedding $ sent to Alison but not the wedding photo she enclosed with it. Whew!

Typical Sunday morning when Sean comes over to do laundry.

Sunday afternoon our Powerworks group got together for wine and snacks at Sheedy Shores winery.
The lady at the bar was folding dollar bills into figures
I've been busy putting finishing touches on my script for the Wimmer Cemetery Walk

  Google Home sends me email tips. 
Hey Google, play relaxing sounds. Ok...plays cricket sounds. Amber runs to the door. She loves insects. Such a challenge to catch and play with.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What? Sophie was picky about the treat? And she is the dog food police? hmmm that's too funny

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