Monday, November 20, 2017

My Week

I guess I'll start out with the bad news.  Sunday I walked the dogs right after my son left and Pearl got loose and ran right into traffic.  She was fatally hit.  I don't blame the driver because there was nothing he/she could do but honk.  A number of other drivers saw this.  I picked her up and carried her limp body to the side of the road while I brought Sophie into the house and get a bag.  Neighbors felt I shouldn't take care of her remains so I got help burying her.  I so wanted to give this little scared "puppy mill" mama dog a good life.  That good life lasted three and a half months.  I know in my heart she's an animal.  We grieve for a selfish affection we lost.

I received this antique fan I got on eBay.  It was reasonably priced and will be great for summer reenacting.

I watched the "Touched by Auchwitz" documentary.  Since I was there recently, it was interesting to see the after effect.  Like most wars, the battle is short but the aftermath long.

Tuesday I had lunch with our Womens Overseas Service League and then Sophie and I went to the nursing home.

Thursday, after yoga, I helped out at Lincoln's Tomb while the staff had a meeting.  In the evening I went to the Civil War Round Table and paid my 20 dues.  Our guest speaker was key in the 150th Lincoln Funeral recreation and spoke of the hurdles.

Friday I had my 6 month check up with my orthopedic surgeon.  Everything is going as scheduled. I asked about the gossip in the forums about broken screws.  Dr W said he's only seen it once and the person was obese. I go back in July for my annual.
It looks like there's an alien in my core.

In the evening I attended

 Since I had previously purchased a ticket and subsequently asked to be in the color guard, that affected my attire to the dinner.  Vince Speranza was the guest speaker and he wrote a book called "Nuts".  You can see him on youtube here:

We were asked by Vincent Speranza to search for "airbourne beer". Speranza is remembered for filling his helmet with beer and delivering to wounded Airborne soldiers in a make-shift combat hospital in a blown-out church in Bastongne, Belgium.

Saturday I asked Google Home what the temperature was when I got up to walk the dogs.  Come to find out that 60 degrees was the high for the day.   I went to a workshop and meeting of our Soldiers Aid Society.  Robin is making a very interesting belt with a bow that is a precursor to the bustle.  Robin knows so much because she travels to a lot of historic workshops.
I've been preparing a temperance banner that we can carry in the St Patrick's Day parade.  We've been teasing about this for the last 2 years because of all the drunks along the parade route.  I doubt many will know what the banner represents.

Afterward I got an electric lawn mower on a facebook sale group that I know I can start.  I had taken my push button Toro in to get started.  Just when a cold front comes through.

After this I refer you to Sunday and my top of this page.  I've resorted to wine and cheese cake.  Did you know the Philadelphia makes ready to eat cheesecake?

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