Tuesday, November 14, 2017

My Week

 Veterans Day and Technical Difficulties

Monday evening I didn't go to the American Legion meeting but instead went to the Iles House volunteer dinner.  Food is better.  It was nice to learn that the Iles House burned their mortgage.

Wednesday evening we had our AMVETS post meeting.  I shared a thank you letter we received for donations to Operation Red Sleigh.  Then I got more items to take in for the donations for the less fortunate veterans.

Thursday I went to a ceremony at the capitol rotunda sponsored by the IDVA.  The governor was there to kick off.  November 20th is the deadline to donate your Holiday cards for our brave men and women. Wonderful holiday gift to remind them we are thinking of them! see the flyer for details on how to donate.
kickoff Honor 200, a wonderful initiative that highlights veterans in Illinois who go above and beyond the call of duty to give back to their communities.

 "Ladies Night Out" at ACE Hardware.  Oh the coupons and wine.  I spent a lot.  Later I went to our Catholic War Veterans meeting.

Friday I was part of our American Legion Color Guard at the Veterans Day Ceremony at Lincoln Land Community College.  you can see the video/slideshow here

Saturday was Veterans Day.  I went to Camp Butler's ceremony and it was about 33 degrees. Not good for a turn out.  In fact I'm surprised I went.  I figured that if I didn't go, there would be nobody there.  One little dent in the scant crowd.

Then I met at the staging for the Springfield Veterans Day parade.  Linda and I carried our WOSL banner.
I showed the other ladies this photo at our monthly meeting on Tuesday.  They were glad our organization was represented.  The full parade can be seen here.  We are at 6:40 on the timer.
It's a parade for veterans and by veterans.  No politicians allowed.  High school bands were allowed. But the veteran theme was what it's about.  Even our Catholic War Veterans were in the parade.  Since it was cold, the top was not down on the convertible until the parade began.

 I had lunch at Texas Roadhouse and then I went to the Old State Capitol.  I anticipated to help out our Soldiers Aid Society but the place got busy and Justin needed a break.  I really didn't feel like changing into my period attire anyway.  Afterward I walked the dogs and went to our church's pot luck. 

Sunday was gloomy out.  We had our Catholic War Veterans memorial Mass at St John Vianney.  Veterans were given a blessing and medallion Shield of God at the end.

Since we had a good turn out, we needed an updated, group photo.
Monday I decided to have my muffler checked since I heard a little more noise when I accelerated. I had Sean drive/listen the day before but he didn't notice anything unusual but then he said he didn't know what it sounded like before. I stopped by Derringer muffler shop and they found the problem:

In the evening I went to Washington IL  dance with the Metamora Courthouse dancers for the residents of the Villas of Hollybrook.  Leaving Springfield was stressful since there was an accident fatality on the interstate.  Got there just in time.  Kay gave me a book she found on New Salem which I'm trying to learn more on.

When I got home, I couldn't untie a knot in my ribbon lacing in back to I had to cut it.   I have a few repairs to make before I wear it again.  I need to add a few hooks between the bodice and skirt to keep it from separating and showing white.

Videos that I created are here:

Lanciers Metamora Dancers at Washington, IL

Waltz Quadrille by the Metamora Dancer in Washington, IL

Windmill Quadrille

Photos from the Villas of Hollybrook (Washington) here:

I can't get the Toro mower started to do the leaves. Seafoam is no help. It's a battery starter and has been on a charger for 2 days.  I may go back to corded mowers.   It tries to start till it grinds down slowly into nothing but a click.  Grrrr!

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