Monday, November 14, 2016

My Week

Well the frost has hit and my cana plants were cut down early to make room for the new sun room that is in progress.

Wednesday evening I went to our AMVETS post meeting.  I discussed the possibility of adding our post flag to the ceremony in the Chatham square for veterans day.  I couldn't do this because of the conflicting time with the Springfield parade. No takers. I assembled this for nothing.

Thursday I had a table at our Veterans Resource Event.
 I brought my Military Barbie collection display with our Women's Overseas Service League booth.  I gave the material to Sue and she has the fancy sewing machine to do the work.

 I was supposed to have a co-located table with the CWV but I only got one table
Veterans Day I put the flags on my car's tail gate and got dressed with long johns so that my Women's Overseas Service League uniform wouldn't need a jacket.  I was pleased with our banner.  I would like to put a bar in the bottom for the wind next time.

Joan and I can be seen at 7:30 on this video at the bottom of the article.

You can see Joan and I walking with our new banner at 6:30 on this YouTube video of the Springfield Veterans Day parade.

This parade is run by veterans and there are no politicians nor candy involved.  Just flags.
I would love to add a bar to the the bottom of our WOSL banner to stabilize it in the wind.
Since I had not eaten, I got a little chili at the local VFW after walking Sophie and then went to Lincoln Land Community College for their ceremony.

Saturday morning I helped at the Old State Capitol for a Student Laureate Event. It was very crowded.  This was such an honor for these students that even the governor and the first lady showed up to congratulate the students.  The crowd and professors got to use the senate chamber with coat racks on wheels for their smocks.  Well that one thing to let the chains down but I had to ask a couple of the professors not to sit on Lincoln's furniture from his presidential train that is usually roped off.  I did help interpret the building for some of the visitors.  I also did a lot of clean up picking up papers and drink containers left all over.  I was in my camp dress because that was the day for my unit to conduct the new "Civil War Saturday" at the Old State Capitol.  I got home about 4:30 and then later left around 6:15 to go to Edwards Place for their Literary Evening reenactment fundraiser.  They are trying to match some funds to remodel the upper floor. One man read a poem that a stanza "Bells Bells Bells Bells" and it reminded me of Monty Pyton's Spam song.

Sunday I went to Mass and was saddened to see that the guest priest was Fr Chiola.  I took my hearing aids out during Mass to insulate myself. 

In the evening, I  walked Sophie before going to a movie with Sean.  I saw the Super Moon rise.  We saw "Hacksaw Ridge" so I came home to to settle down with a cup of coffee followed by a glass of wine. I'm glad he had some gummy worms to chew on. The headset for the hearing impaired didn't work even though they said it did. Just because there's a green light doesn't mean it works so I just used my hearing aids.  Let's just say the movie had a happy ending but the battle scenes made me hide under my jacket. Desmond Doss really deserved that Medal of Honor.

Monday morning, while walking, a hawk swooped within 10 feet and up to the big tree in my front.  

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