Monday, October 20, 2014

My Week

I noticed that Marley is starting to get a little pudgy.  Since Bentley died, she's not had to play second fiddle to him during feeding.

On Oct. 14, from 7:30 to 11 a.m., the Military Museum will host a reception for volunteers from Springfield historic sites. The reception is a way to say "thank you" to those who have recommended the Military Museum to visitors and to introduce the Military Museum to those who have not been here previously. In addition to providing morning refreshments (coffee, juice, bagels, fruit, etc., (but not the typical military fare of chipped beef on toast or green eggs) and door prizes, the reception offers the opportunity to see the new Military Museum displays as well as those that have been our mainstays, such as Santa Anna’s leg and the Lincoln target board. The Museum is two blocks north of the intersection of MacArthur and North Grand Ave.  I got there about 8AM.
Then I left and I sat in as part of the crowd for a hearing about the Knox building in support of the demolition.  I had to leave at 12:00 for the Womens Overseas Service League meeting so I missed the outcome.  The eyesore will come down.

The city sued the building owner more than two years ago, asking a judge for a demolition order. Sangamon County Circuit Court Judge Pete Cavanagh granted one in the spring of 2012, but John Eglaston, a Chicago area man who purchased the property for $75,000 in 2008, convinced Cavanagh to rescind the order. Eglaston gave the court a report from an engineer who proclaimed the building structurally sound.  Eglaston vowed to convert the structure into apartments. 
City wants Knox Flats flattened
Here is the victory announcement in the State Journal Register.

Wednesday I was the rifle bearer for the color guard at the Chatham Glenwood High School's homecoming parade.

Thursday I left the house at 8AM for a PGR funeral for Perk Chumley.  What a remarkable WW2 veteran.  He was a POW and when back to Germany where his plane crashed and returned with parts of the aircraft including the shell with the serial number.  This was on display at the funeral home.  I saw his handwritten diary and it can be found online here:
Since I was in the Air Force.  I held the AF flag.

In the evening I went to the ABATE meeting.  

Friday I went to the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Museum as part of our Soldiers Aid Society to support our unit presenting the colors.  I didn't need my purse but I did need my car keys.  I used the clip on my keys that I usually hang on a belt loop and hung the keys on a ring of my hoop crinoline.

Saturday I had a nice ride with the Legion Riders (4 bikes, 5 riders, 2 in a mini van) to Boatel.  I thought it would be cold so I wore my warmest leathers; the jacket with fringe which had to get a
pony tail tie on the return trip to keep the trim from slapping my face.

In the evening I went to the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Museum's Spooktakular evening with Abe.  I spooked the wax figure of Mary on inaugural night.  Flash photography was not allowed but this took rather well.

Sunday I went on a short ride with ABATE to Contact Ministries for a Christmas toy run.  I dropped off a battery operated lion and donated $20.

John snapped this photo.  Later, I noticed that there was a hole starting in the bottom of my favorite motorcycle boots.  I dropped them off to be repaired.

I am positive there's a critter under my shed.  The floor is rotted and there are openings.  Not sure how to go about replacing the shed at this point.  Perhaps someone can clear out the old shed and build new shed.  I think a concrete foundation would prevent a bad floor next time.  Both Marley and Moe stick their noses under small openings under the shed.  They know!

Monday I went out to photograph "Flat Dan" in the Springfield area for another Soldiers Angel to send to her adopted soldier, Daniel.  I took a picture at the WW2 Memorial  and at the Lincoln Tomb.

After that I sawed some lumber that I can use in the fireplace this coming winter.  I shower and off to stand in a flag line for PFC Gabby Yokum.
Gabby died in an auto accident along with two others and another in the hospital.  Very sad indeed and so young.  Many turned out for this funeral despite this photo being taken before the mourners arrived.

Monday night was a VFW meeting night.  Good folks there.  All for now.

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