Monday, June 16, 2014

My Week

Wednesday was my fun shopping day at the thrift stores and taking advantage of my senior discount. 

Thursday I replaced the buttons on my earth-tone print Civil War dress to shank buttons as recommended. I made a cockade to wear with my certification pin.
In the evening I was among the color guard at the VFW Convention held at the Hilton.  I carried the State VFW flag.  We practiced on the side earlier but when it came to the real procession, I couldn't anticipate the live area with chain thingees under the lights touching the top of the flag.  No harm done.  There was a special escort of 2 Gold Star moms by the Auxiliary ladies.  I recognized one and afterward reintroduced myself as PGR and that I read her blogs. 
Her blog is here but she uses a pen name

Afterward I just made it in time for a meeting of the Catholic War Veterans.  I took notes because the adjutant was on vacation.  We voted to donate to the proposed Purple Heart Memorial.

Friday I volunteered at the Old State Capitol.  Since I just got my NAI Certification, I wanted to wear my pin so I made a cockade for it.  That bow was one of my thrift store finds.
These are some of the photos that were taken during the Soldiers Aid Society's "A Window to a Woman's World" as part of "History Comes Alive"

Actually, I think the print on my fabric is similar to this 1840s daguerreotype photo only her print is smaller.

 I took a break to help a wounded soldier into the Medical demonstration.
In the evening I went to see Bravo.  It was a lavish fundraiser with wine and cheese to support the Purple Heart Memorial at Oakridge Cemetery.  I met Tammy whom I haven't seen since our Marine Family Support group had disbanded.  Five members of the original marines were there to tell their story before and after the movie.  I had tears during the documentary hearing what they went through in the trenches.  Here's the trailer:

Saturday I went on the Ride in Honor.  The weather was perfect but a little windy. 
Thanks to Bobbi for fixing my braid so it wouldn't flap in my face.

 I'm riding on the right following the lady with the pig tails on her helmet.  She had an Aero too and thought my bike was bigger than hers.  I picked up my tank bag that seemed to make the illusion that it was bigger.  Besides, black is slimming.

I left Weebles and rode back to Chatham with John of the Vintage Iron Riders.  Actually, I met him at my garage sale last month.  It's just better to have strength in numbers going past the congestion of the mall area on Rt 4.

Sunday I was a Eucharistic Minister at Mass.  I rode my motorcycle to church.  While waiting for our Communion behind the alter, I noticed Sue had tears in her eyes.  When we took the Chalices to the sacristy, she looked the same but in the semi private area I gave her a big hug.  Well, more like a waist hug because she's tall.  She willingly accepted the hug and whispered a thank you.  Never did learn what was bothering her but I knew it helped a little.  After church I stopped by the County Market to use up my Penny Pincher coupons that will expire on Sunday.  Only enough to fit in a saddle bag.

As many of my friends know, my dog suffered from an enlarged heart.  He had a big heart in more ways than one.  Bentley was having a rough Sunday.  His hacking changed to rapid breathing and he took his last breath at 9:25 PM.  The neighbor and I buried him.  Looking back at Bentley:

Here's a video of the last Honor Flight on 6/10/2014.

The Korean War Veteran with tears got to me.
(I have a cameo putting up my welcome home banner)

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