Monday, June 2, 2014

My Week

Wednesday I went dancing at Five Points Center in Washington, IL for a senior luncheon.  That was wonderful.   Then in the evening I started that dreaded prep for my Colonoscopy.

Thursday I had my Colonoscopy and I was so great full for Dan Bedell who took me so that my son didn't have to take off of work. I felt weird when the anesthesiologist told me they would use propapol, because I remember it was involved in Michael Jackson's death.  I was reassured.   Few polyps removed and off to the lab.  I was told to stay home and treat myself as queen of the castle which I did.  

Thursday I got an email that I had been approved as a NAI Certified Interpretive Guide which will need to be renewed 5/31/2015.   Now for the paperwork.

Friday I gave tours at the Old State Capitol.  The tour schedule spaces them out but that's not exactly like it works.  Seems like one of those days when some are late and some are early making more than we can handle.  I had to take a group of 58 in through the building.  Some rooms are too small for them so I tell them about that room and what to look for as we walk through there.  In the evening I went to a picnic at Grant's house near my house so I walked there.  The other generals in his reenacting company were there too.  Most noteworthy was the story that Tom Peacock told.  He showed me the picture of him wounded in Vietnam.  It was featured in a 2008 Vietnam magazine.

Saturday was a long day at the Old State Capitol Medical Encampment.  Our Soldiers Aid Society occupied the senate chamber just as they did in 1863.  We displayed our bonnets, crafts, and other wares that the ladies would have assembled to be sent to our soldiers.  I helped our "other Rose" with her hair to be more period correct.  She thought she couldn't have a middle part because of her widow's peak.  Heck, mine is more accentuated than hers.  She really didn't have a widows peak at all relative to what I have.  HA.  She looked great after a make over.  I engaged three people in conversation who obviously had accent.  I learned that their broken English was based on German.  I explained that I was in Germany last October and found some common ground.  They were traveling from Chicago through Route 66 and found our special event in Springfield by coincidence and decided to stay an extra night for it.  I also was able to introduce them to Hedy our local German-American member of the Springfield International Folk Dancers who welcomed them in their native language. It was a beautiful moment.  In another instance I met a couple who happened on our event from Australia.  I explained the senate gallery and the Marquee de Lafayette.  I told them about the building and how it had been transformed through the ages and built the underground parking garage They were impressed and said they had nothing that historic back home.  In the evening there was dancing on the plaza.  Here I am on the right in my red and black trim dress.

Photos from Saturday can be found here:!i=3287281848&k=rxrr7xs

Sunday I was a reader at Mass.  I prepared the reading for June First and read it online.  Then I watched EWTN and they read a different reading.   When I got to the lectionary, it was different than the scripture that I had prepared too.  It was the reading for the Ascension.   Oh well.  I came to church half prepared to get into my period dress for the morning closing of our Medical Encampment.   General Lee and wife were seated in the back in their period dress. 

I was elated to learn on the radio on the way home that Bowe Berhgdal had been released.  It's a shame we had to release five senior Al-Qaeda who will turn around and try to kill us for detaining them.  He was a POW since 2009 and some say he was a deserter.  I say that the accusers at the FOB may or may not have been the friends with Bowe they say they were.  In either case, Bowe desires to be home and desires to be an American.

Next up, the Chatham American Legion Homecoming and Pitsfield Civil War.

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