The lunges from my last exercise session did not affect my dancing much. I still feel sore this morning. Arrr
I’m getting better at dancing and getting the rhythm of stepping off with my right foot. My diabetic partner ate before dancing (cookies) and looked better than he did the night before. Unfortunately, my dance partner fell and has a black eye. I haven’t seen him since the accident but spoke on the phone. I guess when I see him on Tuesday I should scream. Ouch!
Alan did clean the house. He said he wanted to finish the bathroom the following day and asked me if I could find time to straighten up my makeup area. I didn’t find that time this morning but I did sew up a hole in his tee shirt. It was not until the weekend that I could remove stuff from drawers and shelves. I then cleaned and used an old toothbrush with furniture polish on the cabinetry to get all the dust and woodwork perked up again.
I’m getting better at dancing and getting the rhythm of stepping off with my right foot. My diabetic partner ate before dancing (cookies) and looked better than he did the night before. Unfortunately, my dance partner fell and has a black eye. I haven’t seen him since the accident but spoke on the phone. I guess when I see him on Tuesday I should scream. Ouch!
Alan did clean the house. He said he wanted to finish the bathroom the following day and asked me if I could find time to straighten up my makeup area. I didn’t find that time this morning but I did sew up a hole in his tee shirt. It was not until the weekend that I could remove stuff from drawers and shelves. I then cleaned and used an old toothbrush with furniture polish on the cabinetry to get all the dust and woodwork perked up again.
I went to Walgreens for shoe inserts and I always look at the mark down shelf for things to put in my soldiers boxes. I also look at the flyer for coupons. Spent $90 and was talked into saving $15 by signing up for their rewards card. I have a separate wallet just for discount cards and still get asked constantly to get an ACE rewards card too. All they want to do is track spending habits in exchange for discounts.
I shared a message regarding Agent Orange and Navy ships with a friend from my VFW post who really needed proof for VA benefits that was posted information in your message posted here:
This provided the proof that he needed for VA claim that the ship, Chevalier, was on the Saigon River. Wow, so glad to have helped in such a small way. It reminds me of when a network of knowledgeable friends led me to share an economical and efficient way to ship the excess Beanie Babies to Afghanistan that were collected by a Vietnam Veteran as part of his PTSD project. Shipping is so high and they were taking collections for shipping but Don knew someone at Scott AFB that could launder and use them as packing on their pallets at no cost. I took a box of Beanie Babies and put a few in all of my boxes to the troops. So many veterans do not see the point in paying membership dues to veterans organizations but it is a good way to network if they are not receiving those retiree newsletters like I am.
I got tickets for my sons and I to see Cirque du Soleil, Quidam on February 15th.
I put this note on the fridge
I had a 4 pack of Ensure nutrition drink in the door of this refrigerator. Yesterday, I had one and gave one to Michael and that accounted for 2 of the 4. This morning there was only one.
Please, I hope whoever took one of my 4 Ensure drinks had a desperate need like diabetic low. If that is the case, you are more than welcome to anything.
Oh, and I added a PS with the price sticker peeled off onto the note which says
you can get your own Ensure at Big Lost for $6.30
I got a new debit card and called to validate the card but again, as in the past 3 years, I needed the last 4 of my SSN which was still coded under my deceased husband’s last 4. I think it won’t happen next year.
While walking my dogs, I stopped to as a neighbor who is a cop in Jerome to ask, "How's Vader?" Vader was a Jerome drug dog and he told me that Jerome had to give that nearly $8K trained dog back to the trainer because he was costing too much. The village of Jerome claimed gas was expensive but the officer stated he drives it either way. He also told me that Pawnee had to give up their donated police dog as well. Hmmm, I wonder how Chatham's police dog is fairing after our American Legion made a contribution to the drug dog?
I was hoping on going to go to the big Operation Iraqi Freedom Homecoming in St Louis on Saturday but the logic of the 1.5 hour drive for ½ hour parade in the cold when I have things to do didn’t make sense. Instead, I got meds from the veterinarian, visited a hospitalized veteran, and take advantage of Big Lots 20% discount day (which a lot are for my soldier’s boxes). So I missed a crowd but the photos and video were online.
This weather is not very January-like. They said snow next week.
I’ve had a lot of holes in the toes of my socks lately. Doesn’t seem to happen with a quality pair but at the same time, that pair seems to get more lint buds all over.
I shared a message regarding Agent Orange and Navy ships with a friend from my VFW post who really needed proof for VA benefits that was posted information in your message posted here:
This provided the proof that he needed for VA claim that the ship, Chevalier, was on the Saigon River. Wow, so glad to have helped in such a small way. It reminds me of when a network of knowledgeable friends led me to share an economical and efficient way to ship the excess Beanie Babies to Afghanistan that were collected by a Vietnam Veteran as part of his PTSD project. Shipping is so high and they were taking collections for shipping but Don knew someone at Scott AFB that could launder and use them as packing on their pallets at no cost. I took a box of Beanie Babies and put a few in all of my boxes to the troops. So many veterans do not see the point in paying membership dues to veterans organizations but it is a good way to network if they are not receiving those retiree newsletters like I am.
I got tickets for my sons and I to see Cirque du Soleil, Quidam on February 15th.
I put this note on the fridge
I had a 4 pack of Ensure nutrition drink in the door of this refrigerator. Yesterday, I had one and gave one to Michael and that accounted for 2 of the 4. This morning there was only one.
Please, I hope whoever took one of my 4 Ensure drinks had a desperate need like diabetic low. If that is the case, you are more than welcome to anything.
Oh, and I added a PS with the price sticker peeled off onto the note which says
you can get your own Ensure at Big Lost for $6.30
I got a new debit card and called to validate the card but again, as in the past 3 years, I needed the last 4 of my SSN which was still coded under my deceased husband’s last 4. I think it won’t happen next year.
While walking my dogs, I stopped to as a neighbor who is a cop in Jerome to ask, "How's Vader?" Vader was a Jerome drug dog and he told me that Jerome had to give that nearly $8K trained dog back to the trainer because he was costing too much. The village of Jerome claimed gas was expensive but the officer stated he drives it either way. He also told me that Pawnee had to give up their donated police dog as well. Hmmm, I wonder how Chatham's police dog is fairing after our American Legion made a contribution to the drug dog?
I was hoping on going to go to the big Operation Iraqi Freedom Homecoming in St Louis on Saturday but the logic of the 1.5 hour drive for ½ hour parade in the cold when I have things to do didn’t make sense. Instead, I got meds from the veterinarian, visited a hospitalized veteran, and take advantage of Big Lots 20% discount day (which a lot are for my soldier’s boxes). So I missed a crowd but the photos and video were online.
This weather is not very January-like. They said snow next week.
I’ve had a lot of holes in the toes of my socks lately. Doesn’t seem to happen with a quality pair but at the same time, that pair seems to get more lint buds all over.