Monday, August 23, 2021

My Week

 This week starts a new schedule at PowerWorks Fitness.  Some classes a little bit earlier to fit the instructor's work schedule.  Us retirees just have to get up earlier.  One of our instructors, Traci, got a job teaching preschool.  I asked if that would be a big difference to go from us crabby seniors to little ones.  She said no difference.

Tuesday evening I went to the Lincoln Tomb with the Soldiers Aid Society.  Here I am with Mary Hudgins getting the attendance count.  

This was the previous week at the Dog Club with Crystal the Dobbie

Wednesday I took Amber for practice early before it got too hot. I was delayed by traffic standing still backed up for miles because it was the first day of school.  It was so long that I thought there might be an accident ahead. Nope, just cars getting into a school parking lot with no plan to zig zag the traffic in that lot to get them out of the way of travelers on the main road.  After practice I was asked to give Mary a hand doing some rearranging in the agility trailer at the club so I dropped Amber off first.  I tried to fix up some guide netting for the weave poles per my instructor.  It got hot in the afternoon so I didn't have time to test them till the next day.  Then there was so much dew on the grass that she didn't want to get  her feet wet.  Meanwhile she ran back and forth in the house trying to shake of a burst of energy.  I picked up some forever postcards to send out notices about the closure of our AMVETS post.  The post office was next to Salvation Army Thrift store and it was senior discount day so I had to look around.  I did get some plastic freezer mugs for drinks.  I've been breaking glasses and coffee cups like you wouldn't believe lately.   That night, I cried myself to sleep for all those that are taking part in green agenda of "population reduction" after watching this video.  There is hope for their eternal life should they choose.  My tears included the women of Afghanistan and the potential problems for our GWAT veterans. 

Thursday I got my hearing aids back after sending them in for warranty work.  I was told it would take  2 weeks but it actually was 3 weeks.  Still not satisfied that when the phone rings it doesn't pipe to my hearing aids. 

In the evening, I witnessed Sean adopting a new dog after loosing Mo 3 weeks ago.   He's a cute little 2 month old and very smart.  Sean has been calling him Cosmo.

After that I quickly got Amber to her Agility class at 6:30.  She did rather well and at the end of class, Debbie and I traded dogs for consistency and attachment to one handler.  I can see that we need to work on Amber's dismount from the dog walk.

Friday's exercise was at 7:30, a half hour earlier, so some were late.   We had breakfast afterward.  In the afternoon, I took Amer on a therapy dog visit.  Amber learned that she can go out the motion sensor doors at the Villas of Southpark.  I would normally perform in their sun room but it’s hot back there and she will shut down.  Friday evening I went to the dog club practice and masks required so I left.

Saturday I went to Galesburg for the Heritage Days.  I wore my new summer sheer dress that had just arrived on Thursday and made some quick alterations.  It had been worn only twice before.  Sometimes you have to wear it to an event before you know what other alternations it needs.  Here's the before:

A little big in the bust and long.

Here's the dress at the Heritage Days at Story Lake in Galesburg, IL

Seated at the Tea display under a tent

I still would like to replace the hooks that gape open and show my corset.  I have hook tape in my stash.  I'd also like to replace the floppy cuffs.  I found a dress with similar fabric on Etsy for $670.50.  Mine was worn twice and was marked down to $350 (originally 100 more)

Well this was a couch display for Mary Lincoln but the tea was artificial. Mrs Lincoln (aka Mrs Donna Daniels) referred another lady to me as an example for a proper hat on a day dress.  This lady is the coordinator for the reenactment in Princeton, IL for an event known as "Shadows of the Blue and Gray".  I went to that event many years ago but it's a long drive.

Confederates after the battle

Covered Wagon in the Confederate Camp

This year the weather at the Heritage Days was rather mellow like 81 degrees.  I had been avoiding cutting the grass because of the high heat.  Now insect bites and spider webs to add to that list of deterrent to the outdoors.  I did cut the grass just before sun down.  My contract with Lawn Doctor includes pest control and they came this week.  It's going to be a very hot week planned.

Prayers  for my sister with Wolff-Parkinson-White (WPW) syndrome.  She's worried....I'm worried. 

Revelation 13:16

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