Monday after my walk, I took a blade out of Amber's mouth. I’m wondering if the remodeler left it since I have been moving stuff exchanging my summer and winter blankets.
Mouth looks fine. I think I caught it in time.
Same night
She was muzzled and kenneled for the night. This was the first night that I slept with my light quilt and window open. I did get a moment being cold.
Tuesday morning I usually get a half hour cycle class back to back with a half hour of core class. Since less than 4 people signed up for core, it got canceled. In the afternoon I had another cancellation, the agility practice in Mechanicsburg was canceled due to the wind kept knocking down the hoops. In the evening I went to final in a series of obedience practice.
Wednesday I had some more work at the library and mailings for my nephew. Then I had my last trick class of the month at the dog club. Nobody showed. I spent half hour practicing with Amber. I'm trying to teach her footsie. Since I had the place to myself, I tossed a ball and Amber brought it back to me. She seemed to have fun with this. So I left a little early which was fine since I had a meeting of the Interveterans Council. Ha...the president and vice didn't show.
Thursday I went to our weekly practice at the club.
Friday I exercised then packed the car for my trip to Wisconsin. I dropped my dogs off with Connie at 7PM. Then I went to bed early. I picked up Sean at 5AM Saturday morning. He had already left his dog, Moe, with Connie the night before also. We headed to pick up Alan. I was concerned about getting to Ceaderburg park by noon to help set up my Samsung TV because the movie with Nancy's memorial. My TV can play the video on a jump drive. Here I am taping a garland around my TV for the video. I did this on the ground instead of the picnic table because I was afraid the strong wind would tip it and ruin my TV. We ended up putting it on a bench seat and slanted against the table top to keep it from tipping in the wind.
I wore my hat to keep my hair in place in the strong wind. My brother spoke well of his wife, Nancy, just like at the previous Zoom memorial. There was a pretty good turn out. Here is Sean getting ready for the balloon launch for Nancy. It was so windy that flowers and balloons went crazy.
It was really nice to see my sisters, niece and some cousins at the celebration of life. Afterward we went to Bob's house to help him unload and have a drink. I could tell my sons were tired so we didn't stay too long. Alan seemed to be pissy and bored. Yet on the way home, he expressed he was glad he went and had an experience different than the regular hum drum weekends. We stayed at the Harbor View hotel in Port Washington. Our hotel had a nice view that he enjoyed.
Alan got a pair of pants at Duluth Trading Co across from the hotel. He liked their quality and knew that they carried this pair. Then he forgot to take the package out of my car after we dropped him off. Oh well, we'll see him again on Mother's Day. Sean and I had photos taken inside the store.
The hotel gave me a coupon for 10 percent off at the Beacon restaurant. We had the special which was prime rib.
After dinner I bought chocolate at the Chocolate Chisel with a punch card that my sister, Patty, gave me. I can always do chocolate! She thought I could get $5 off since the punch card was nearly full. Well when I checked out, the card was full and a few punches made on a new card and she said that full card is good on my NEXT VISIT.Before we left, I insisted we find the park where mom and dad took us kids for play, swim and picnic. I was afraid it was taken over by all of the new condo and I do mean expensive condos. It was still there. I don't think I knew what the American Legion was at that age but now I am a legionnaire. I especially remember the old band stand.
I remember running and playing on that stage. I liked yelling the echo it had. There was no military in my family while growing up. We were not un-patriotic but not like I am now as an adult when my husband, sons and myself have served this country. The appreciation for this park has evolved to a new level. I don't recall the flag inside that grandstand there before but it's a nice additive for a memorial park.

The playground equipment may have changed but now my sons are walking in the park where I played.
Worn flag disposal box.
They had a nice fire pit but the marine corps flag was missing. Could have been from the strong winds.
The sand by Lake Michigan where we would take a dip was now replaced by rock but I did remember this drainage ditch still there. I could see a good size fish in the pool of water under the concrete. Alan overlooking and saw the fish retreating from sight.
Sean came over to do his laundry later and I went to Mass at 5pm at the Cathedral. I should have cut the grass but I was too exhausted after unpacking. Now I will have to work that chore in between rain.
Alan drove on the way home. He wouldn't slow so I could take a picture of the truck in the tree along the Clinton, WI interstate. It's been there as long as I can remember. They've since done some excavating and added more trucks, flags and even Elvis on a lift truck. Hope you can catch it all.
Here is an unlisted video on YouTube of one of my qualifying runs with Amber in NADAC "Tunnelers" for which we latter got a novice title. Titles are granted after multiple successful runs.
I am very disappointed in Therapy Dog International's lack/slow response to our December 31st renewal. I sent in medical records and paid for 2021 in a timely manner for both Amber and Sophie. The tags arrived on May 3d. I can see a crossover to a different certified agency like Therapy Dog Alliance in the future. I'm not alone based on our private Facebook group which quickly deletes these negative comments.
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