Monday I went with Dale to present Catholic War Veterans youth awards. The
second and third place winners of the National CWVs in the Easter
Poster Contest received their certificate and checks for their winning
These two eighth graders were not given any advance notice and had
no idea why they were called to the principle's office at St Anthony's
school in Effingham, IL.
In the evening I went to our VFW meeting. Another awards was presented at the meeting. Lafore
Lock Century Award was presented to Commander Camerer by District 10
Commander Carrol at the post meeting on May 10, 2021.
Tuesday I went to our Womens Overseas Service League luncheon. In evening was a walkabout for our dog club.
Wednesday evening I went with Sean to our Amvets meeting. I sometimes wonder if I'm giving up on this group too soon since we've lost so many members. One did return joking that he got his rabies shot.
Tuesday I went to our Womens Overseas Service League luncheon. In evening was a walkabout for our dog club.
Wednesday evening I went with Sean to our Amvets meeting. I sometimes wonder if I'm giving up on this group too soon since we've lost so many members. One did return joking that he got his rabies shot.
Thursday evening I went to a Catholic War Veterans meeting but I had dinner with the Bedells before and carpooled together.
I'm finishing transplanting the plants I got for Mother's Day after 2 days of frost warnings. This is good because of the upcoming rain. My garden space is spoken for and Alan gave me seeds forever. I I could probably fill the yard with what he bought. I did get a package of egg plant seeds that were empty.
Friday I attended the PGR mission today for a Korean War veteran, Asa Vance, whose remains were repatriated. A 2018 meeting between President Donald Trump and North Korea leader Kim
Jong-Un resulted in more than 55 boxes of war-dead remains being turned
over to the United States. I did not attend the escort from St Louis to Decatur but participated in the in Springfield church ceremony and escort to Camp Butler National Cemetery. I got to the church at 11am and drove escort to Camp Butler. Nice turn out. Apparently his unit arrived at a base that was void of support because everyone was out fighting. Meanwhile they were captured on arrival and the enemy figured out that they were young and knew nothing worthwhile being integrated. I'm sure he was tortured. Closure is nice. Here I am in the flag line honoring KIA Corporal Vance.
PGR did a walk through salute. I was early in the line up so I snapped this.
Saturday I was in the color guard for the opening of the Highland Games in New Berlin.
In the afternoon I went to see a fellow CWV who happened to have a VCR. I re-recorded an old video from her TV screen called "Veterans Speak".
I needed gas in mower but couldn’t get the cap off. So I have another gas can and ran over to get more. I started to mow the yard and out lined the yard and it quit. I hooked it up to the charger
and then pulled out my narrow corded electric mower just so the front doesn’t look bad. After church, Mower was charged but still didn’t start so flip on side, remove clog grass and tried again. Success!

Finished the half mowed lawn after church. In the afternoon, there was open agility practice at the club. I need it for next week.
Sunday I went to the club for agility practice. Deb had me lead her dog, Pixie, over the teeter with Amber as an example. It seemed to work. Amber is not afraid of the teeter but she has other weaknesses. Amber likes to anticipate take off and then I have to go once she starts the timer. Her 2 on-2 off on things like the A frame could be improved. Also, Amber does weaves OK on my heeling side but not the right side position.
Well my vegetable garden is planted and no space left. I have more seeds than space but if something doesn't emerge, well the reinforcements are ready. The new family behind me also dug up soil with a tiller and planted a garden. I'd been thinking about having a crane come and take down the big tree in my front yard. I'd rather have a pear tree (especially for this NWO). I learned that pear trees are best planted in the fall and that 2 trees are needed for cross pollination.
What would this weekly diary be like without a rant. Oh you sheeple, please check yourself with a stud finder like this:
If that doesn't work, I hear magnets are a sign also.
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