I went to the dentist regarding my bleeding gums last week and the fact that the doctor mentioned a replacement crown in my future. I had some "patchwork" done to the crown at the gum line. I do have to go back for the upper in the same location
of my Wednesday meetings are picking up so that knocks out about 3/4 of my
Wednesdays. I played nose work with Amber. I've had it
with her false hits and know why she does it so I'm upping the
requirements to get that reward. She did bad at barn hunt practice Tues
eve. Then when Deb took a rat out of the tube and into a wire cage,
Wow, what a difference. Amber was assertive/aggressive all of a sudden. I
put her in an open kennel while I adjust boxes. Sometimes she wouldn't
so I waited her out. I have a new philosophy if she does it wrong.
Nothing for nothing.
Amber's title is on this page.
Amber's St Patrick's Day photo is in this video.
Tuesday evening, Patty and Dan came and stayed in their camper in my driveway on the way to Alabama. I left my extension cord out for their camper but forgot to plug it in. Duh! It was a wonderful visit. I had evening plans for some dog training classes so Sean came over and entertained my guests for awhile. I was so glad he got to see his aunt and uncle on short notice. Patty came with me to my exercise class and was warmly welcomed. After we exercised, the 3 of us got the dogs walked a couple blocks before they left. Patty held Amber's leash and I observed Amber looking at me with Sophie in hand. Her eyes said that Patty is not her boss, you are. After they left, I actually had a bit of missing them after they left. Probably because of being away and mostly shut-in during the Pandemic but trying my best to be active. To have a sister and her husband break it up was a welcome relief. I worried about the weather as they passed on further south in possibly treacherous weather.

I frosted/colored my hair green for St Patrick's Day.
All that pleasant weather told me not to hang up my winter coat. We had a lot of rain on Wednesday and Thursday. I thought I'd put my blooming geranium out for some of that rain and that helped. But I was reminded to bring it back in because of the drop in temperature and possibility of some snow.
Amber and Sophie were groomed on Thursday.
While the girls were being groomed, I rented a dog from a fellow club member that has 5 dogs. I was handler for "Jonas", a terrier, pit, etc mix. We were pretty good together except that his owner has a different sign for "sit". Her signal is more of a hand straight out like "hail Hitler". Between Jonas going right into a finish at my side instead of front recall, the dogs in our group seemed to have a number of moments that caused us to laugh.
He was pretty good. Occasionally I would say "good girl" to a boy dog. Ha..I guess that didn't matter because Shari, his owner with 5 dogs, mixes up their names on a recall. Shari,
Jonas' owner, handled her other dog, Hannah. Hannah doesn't like Amber
and is very reactive but good at agility. Well, Shari called for
Hannah during recall and said "Reagan come" (her other and more experienced dog)This is Jonas. Jonas happens to be very obedient with a very close heel position at the side. His kissing is very aggressive.
really loved the eye contact from Jonas. Amber is just developing
this. Amber is transitioning from sniffing the floor to "watch me". I
wish I knew this sooner.
I'm currently working on Amber's Do More With Your Dog Champion title video. Thursday evening I went to a virtual women's retreat through church. My nephew called in the middle of it so I missed part of it.
Saturday I went to yoga class since our state meeting of the Catholic War Veterans was canceled. The only problem was that I requested we not do "chair pose". What ever we did on Friday made my thighs sore. I requested an hour of Savasana but in jest. She tailored the class for me and my sore thighs. Then I took the girls shopping. Lowes was way crowded so I took them to Joanne's and Petsmart.
I fixed chili for lunch on Sunday. I got in the mood when I saw a chili cookoff flyer. I found a small bit of chili fixins in the cupboard but it goes back to when Frank made chili. It got tossed and I picked up new. After Sean left, I went to a meeting at the dog club about upcoming agility classes and sign up as assistants. I thought we would have set up some equipment for open practice so I brought Amber but everybody left afterward.
Sad that my nephew went to see a judge in California over my sister's estate and things didn't work out for him. He worked so hard as an executor of his mother's estate. The stress affected his health and well being in a negative way.
I started watching the mini-series, Outlander.
Unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains just a
grain of wheat. but if it dies, it produces much fruit. . (John
12:20-33) We are grains of wheat. We want to skip the "death thing"
topic and go directly to resurrection. Death comes first. It can be
spiritual, emotional, hopes, dreams, careers, hearts or beliefs. There
can be no resurrection without first death! We must submit to any of
these forms of death.