Tuesday morning Amber and I performed "Amber's Christmas Story" at the sun room window at the nursing home. The weather was much better than the last time it was scheduled. I just did our tricks in order of the story which was read to them on the other side of the window so I'm not sure if we were in snyc. I think they liked it because there was a request for her to do and encore walk across that ledge.

I watched a 1951 movie called "the Cattle Drive". It's about a spoiled boy that missed his train and forced to tag along with a cattle drive where his spoiled antics didn't fly too well.
Sunday I took Amber for AKC ACT agility trial for beginners. The first run was the numbers 1 - 10 in circles and the second run in squares.
I left thinking we had it but got a text from the judge saying we didn't pass the 1st. We didn't pass the first trial because she didn't stay in the yellow zone at the base of the A frame. However, we had the best time on the second.
I need to focus on my purpose, to have Amber entertain on Therapy Dog visits. That is most rewarding. The rest is ancillary to keep up with the Jones' brag. No ONE else understands these titles outside the dog training circle. FOCUS. I must admit, I really believe, Amber is having fun.
I fixed a vegetable beef stew in the crock pot since I won't have time tomorrow and prob be hungry when I get home. Smells good so far.
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